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爱而生喜,爱而生忧,自古皆然;说万物皆有情,其实是人有情。书法而能成为一门艺术,实在是因为其中注入了书者的喜怒哀乐,悲欢际遇,书家与字匠,一字情之以别。家父一生醉心古典,幼承庭训,少而习字,凡五十余载,殆有所成,笔下黑白纵横,鬓上亦黑白星星,但挥洒之际,仍掩不住对传统文化没落的伤感之情。旧学凋零,情何以堪!溥心畲在《瑞鹧鸪·月夜泛舟》中说:“空濛不见山河影,望见山河影更愁。”真是伤心王孙别有怀抱。山河并未消失,消失的只是昨日风流,前尘如梦幻泡影,现世的是满目的声声色色,于是只好退而怀古,现忘于笔墨之间。进退之际,一字情之以牵。其实又何必太执着,苏东坡写《前赤壁赋》“将自其变者而观之,则天地曾不能以一瞬,自其不变者观之,则物与我皆无尽也。”无论是赤 Love and joy, love and worry, since ancient times are all; say that all things are in love, in fact, human affection. Calligraphy and can become an art, in fact, because it injected into the book’s emotions, joys and sorrows experience, calligrapher and the word, a word of love. My father’s life is obsessed with the classical, young Cheng court training, and few words, where more than fifty contained, almost accomplished, the black and white vertical and horizontal, also black and white stars, but sway, still can not conceal the decline of traditional culture sad Feelings. Old school dying, what ailing! Pu heart She in the “Swiss partridge night moonlight rafting” said: “No Mongolia can not see the shadow of mountains and rivers, see the shadow of the mountains and rivers more worry.” Really sad arms do not embrace. Mountain and river did not disappear, disappeared just Merry, yesterday, such as dream bubbles, the world is filled with the sound of color, so had to retreat nostalgia, now forget the pen and ink. The occasion of advance and retreat, the word of the word to pull. In fact, why is it too persistent, Su Dongpo wrote “Former Chibi Fu” “will change from the point of view, then heaven and earth can not be a moment, from its point of view, the things and I are endless also.” Whether red
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