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中国的地理环境决定了祖先以农业为主,他们随日月而动,循四季而发,崇尚自然,思考自然,衍生出中国哲学的基本问题——天人之辩。先秦诸子百家的哲学思想就是在陆地环境中、农业氛围下成长起来的。经过几百年争鸣,各家各派的政治对策与治国主张各有长短。强秦国相、商人出身的政治家吕不韦,召集门客编写了集先秦诸子思想之大成的典籍《吕氏春秋》,杂糅百家之长,为秦国提供治国良策。《吕氏春秋·上农》四篇充满浓厚的道家色彩,强调顺应 China’s geographical environment determines that ancestors predominate in agriculture. They move with the sun and the moon and follow the seasons. They advocate nature and think of nature, thus deriving the basic issue of Chinese philosophy - the debate between heaven and man. The philosophical thinking of all the pre-Qin philosophers grew up in the land environment and the agricultural atmosphere. After several centuries of contention, the political responses and ruling ideas of various parties have their own length. Strong Qin phase, businessman-born Lv Buwei, called a doorkeeper compiled a collection of pre-Qin philosophers Dacheng’s classic “Lu’s Spring and Autumn”, a blend of 100 long, provide the Qin country good policy. << Lu Spring and Autumn Shangnong >> four full of strong Taoist colors, emphasizing compliance
Chloride diffusion coefficient and water penetration depth of 3 types concrete were studied. The experimental results show that the concrete permeability decrea
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一个自然段中句与句之间有着内在联系,一串句子围绕一个意思,按照一定的顺序,采取适当的方式组合起来,便成了自然段。划分层次就 There is an intrinsic link between sent
jl…≯ 小象伸行长鼻子在干什么。‘?原来-树上:还藏看两个:黝壹的柿予,小象迫不及待地想把它们捅下来呢!一卜朋、友1腑你{?中的笔给小象涂一L合适的颜色只巴。。_蠢-i0◆_0i