
来源 :长江流域资源与环境 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dengggaowanyuan
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以鄂西地区利川市两类典型水土保持项目为例,通过实地调查,分析农户对水土保持工程的认知、行为特征及评价,并采用Logistic模型分析了影响农户参与水土保持行为的因素。研究结果表明:农户对水土保持的参与认知度较高,但是责任意识较差,更多的寄于政府,同时农户主要以参与水土保持工程建设的形式参与水土流失治理,但在水土保持维护、组织、监督管理方面参与度较低;农户的教育水平越高,其参与水土保持的程度越高;影响农户参与水土保持行为的因素主要是农户教育水平和水土保持外部环境;农户是否愿意参与水土保持与农户教育水平、政府采取的增收措施和工程补偿、水土保持工程进展呈显著性关系;农户主动参与水土保持工程与农户教育水平、是否检举破坏水土资源行为呈显著关系。结果对于揭示农户参与生态环境治理的行为机理有重要意义。 Taking two kinds of typical soil and water conservation projects in Lichuan of western Hubei as an example, through field investigation, the farmers ’cognition, behavioral characteristics and evaluation of soil and water conservation projects were analyzed. Logistic model was also used to analyze the factors affecting farmers’ participation in soil and water conservation activities. The results show that: farmer awareness of the participation of soil and water conservation is higher, but the sense of responsibility is poor, and more sent to the government, while farmers participate in soil and water loss governance mainly in the form of participation in soil and water conservation projects, , Organization and supervision. The higher the education level of farmers, the higher their participation in soil and water conservation. The factors that affect farmers’ participation in soil and water conservation are mainly the education level of farmers and the external environment of soil and water conservation. Whether farmers are willing to participate There is a significant relationship between water and soil conservation and education level of peasants, government measures to increase income, engineering compensation and progress of soil and water conservation projects. There is a significant relationship between farmers ’voluntary participation in soil and water conservation projects and peasant households’ educational level and whether to prosecute or destroy soil and water resources. The results are of great significance for revealing the peasant households’ participation in the behavioral mechanism of ecological environment governance.
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The mechanism of heat transfer in a crossflow moving packed bed heat transfer exchanger is analyzed and a two dimensional heat transfer mathematical model has b
2010年8月30日,中央组织部、国务院国资委面向海内外公开招聘企业高管。据悉,今年的公开招聘职位共有20个,包括5名总经理、4名副总经理(副局长)、3名总会计师、3名企业总法律顾问以及5名高层次科研管理人才。  近年来,中组部、国资委已先后7次组织中央企业面向海内外公开招聘,从近万名应聘者中录用了113人,同时还储备了一批素质优良、年富力强的后备人才,为提高中央企业的国际竞争力奠定了坚实的人才基
美国密歇根大学研究企业战略的普拉哈拉德教授说:“在后危机时期,不管你有什么优势,都会有人从你那里把它夺走。” Professor Prahalad, who studies corporate strategy at
过去的几年中,《高中语文课程标准》得到了广泛的实施,虽然我们的高中语文教学质量取得了一定的进步,但在新标准的实施中还是出现了一些问题。例如学生语文素养整体偏低,写作文不能恰当地遣词造句等。面对这些情况,广大教师仍要积极努力,探索出合适的教学方法,从而走出困惑,真正提高教学效率。这里,笔者进行了相关的探讨,总结出一些建议,途径。  一.教学观念的更新  《语文教学标准》中对语文做出了如下解释:一种重