A Journey for Freedom

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  【Abstract】Mark Twain is a great literary giant of America,and he is also generally considered one of America’s first and foremost realist and humorists. Among his works,the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,which proves itself to be the milestone in American literature,has been considered the greatest one. Hemingway once described the novel “the one book from which all modern American Literature comes”⑴ The book is significant in many ways. The great strength of the book comes from the shape given by the course of the raft’s journey down the Mississippi River as Huck and Jim,a Negro slave seek their different kinds of freedom which stems from the same source. Twain,who knew the river intimately,used it here both realistically and symbolically. In this paper,I would argue one theme of this novel—the quest for freedom.
  【Key words】realist; Mississippi River; Negro slave; freedom
  In American literary history,Mark Twain takes a very important position. In comparison with his contemporaries such as W. D. Howells and Henry James,Mark Twain forms his own unique artistic style on the basis of inheriting and developing the excellent tradition of American literature. Twain’s humor is remarkable,however,his humor is not only of witty remarks mocking at small things or of farcical elements making people laugh,but a kind of artistic style used to criticize the social injustice and satirize the decayed romanticism.⑵ A case in point is his masterpiece — the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. With this works and Life on the Mississippi River (1883) Twain shaped the world’s view of America and made a more extensive combination of American folk humor and serious literature than any previous writers. ⑶ Few authors have been as successful as Twain in writing for both children and adults. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,one of the finest novels in the history of American literature,delights readers of all ages. Published in 1884,the book is one of those rare works written on sufficient number of levels and with sufficient truth to people of every age describing what had happened in the years of 18th century before the Civil War.
  The book,the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was one of the most important works in American literature not only in thoughts but also in artistic style. It is a sequel of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Huck Finn tells the story about the United States before the Civil War,around 1850. Just like the boy,Huck,Twain hated the corrupted society,and then he cherished a hope for the realization of free ideal. In this book,he created an Utopia—“Cairo” for Huck and Jim,though he knew that it was non-existence,letting them miss “Cairo” in the fog,in my opinion,Mark Twain who believed in the democratic thoughts of bourgeois,felt despaired and angry at the corruption in American society and he found no way to realize the freedom in the reality. But on the other hand,he deeply condemned slave-holding system and racial discrimination,and what’s important was his longing for freedom.   In view of Twain,freedom which would not be abused by anyone,means living equally together no matter what race one belongs to and what color one is. And in this book,freedom is the main theme. So in the following sections I would argue the different kinds of freedom sought by Jim and Huck.
  In this novel,Jim,the Negro slave,is the best characterization of Negro in American literature. The author didn’t use too many words to depict him,but,indeed,expressed much more enthusiasm and sympathy for him. Twain depicted this character exactly and successfully shaped a Negro imagery. When discussing the above,we have to consider Twain’s experience and his historical background at that time. When Twain was very young,he lived with Negroes together. He found that Negroes had “a lot of good quality” so he “likes Negroes very much. He once recalled that this kind of feeling to Negro people had been not weakened for 60 years.” For a long time,racists of America did their utmost to carry out the policy of racial discrimination. It follows that all the rights of Negro people were strangled. Before the Civil War,in the south of America,the decayed planters possessed millions of Negro slaves,who had no freedom and human rights and lived a miserable life. After the Civil War,Negro people were still facing bad situation. So in this novel,Twain condemned the slave-holding system and racial discrimination. The thought in this aspect can obviously be seen from Jim’s quest for freedom.
  The Negro shaped by Twain is different from those who resign themselves to adversity. In this novel,though he had long been a slave,Jim had been independent,free in his spirit,and he thought slave-holding system unreasonable. He couldn’t bear to be sold from place to place by his master. When he knew that he would be sold to slave trader at 800 dollars,he ran away. He dreamed for a happy and free life with his wife and children who he wanted to redeem one day. After hearing this,Huck thought Negro people were insatiable and Jim was selfish. But the same goes for Huck. He thought the Negro people shouldn’t excel him and shouldn’t have too much “extravagant hopes”. But,in fact,everybody should enjoy the rights of free life no matter what color he is. This is the main stream of Twain’s democratic thoughts. Jim was very honest and yearned for freedom,unlike someone who considers nothing,but his own freedom and his safety. On their way to escape,Jim pet Huck and did everything he could think of for Huck. What he did was not the attending of a slave to his master,but a help to friends. Once,when they escaped from Pheleps’ farm,Tom had a bullet in the calf of his leg. Jim decided to stay there,looking after Tom at the risk of his life,rather than running away for his freedom which he had been longing for. Jim said,“I doan’ budge a step out of this place,but a doctor;not if its forty years.” The old doctor was greatly moved and said:“don’t be rougher on him than you are obliged to,because he isn’t a bad nigger and I never see a nigger that was a better nuss or more faithful.” This,in fact,through what the doctor said,shows Twain’s view on the Negroes. Jim,just like other Negroes,had been in such exploited and enslaved social position that he had no freedom and had to suffer not only from his master’s mistreatment but also discrimination. He became a little rude,even superstitious and innocent. But the torture in physical body and constraining in spirit didn’t make him yield to his fate,he’s still maintained his own independent personality and rebelling spirit of freedom. He respected himself and he claimed for respect which he should be given as a human being. A case in point is as follows. Once,unfortunately,Huck lost his way and separated himself from Jim. Jim tried his utmost to cry out looking for him,without considering his own life. As a result,he felt asleep deeply on the raft. While Huck,who was influenced by the racial discrimination,only wanted to trick on Jim. After he returned,he told Jim what had happened just now was only a dream of Jim. That made Jim confused and he really thought that he was in dream so that he couldn’t judge what had happened on earth. However when Huck was very complacent,Jim understood that Huck deceived him. Then,he,who thought he was equal to Huck as a human being,queried sternly Huck’s frolic. When he said:“…En when I wake up en find you back agin’,all safe en sound… I’m so thankful… That truck dah is trash;en trash is what people is that puts dint on de head a dey friend’s en make’s en ashamed”⑸ We can see Jim had made great progress in his spirit. At the very beginning,he only simply knew to run away,presenting that he had the sense of equality. This great progress means the satirization on American society and rebellion against the slave-holding system and racial discrimination. All in all,although Jim was not a hero,we are deeply impressed by his bravery,loyalty,unselfishness,and his quest for freedom.   As we have seen from all the above,Mark Twain describes two different kinds of pursuit for freedom. As for Jim,he wanted to cast off enslaved life to become a freeman and he hoped that his family should get complete freedom from their owners. He wanted to obtain a kind of essential freedom—to be a freeman. He chose one way to get it,that was to escape. But,as a Negro,his dream wouldn’t come true at all at that time. Wherever he went,he would be discriminated by the White people. So long as he lived in such a society as the one described in the novel,he wouldn’t obtain true freedom,and he wouldn’t be treated equally by others. Only on the raft would he feel free,what’s more,he felt that he was a real man and he was equal with the White people just like Huck.
  From this brief analysis of the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,I’d like to draw a conclusion that freedom is a main theme of this novel. On the one hand,Jim’s pursuit for freedom and Huck’ s pursuit for freedom seem to be two different kinds of freedom,there,however,is a kind of similar situation between Jim’s relationship with society and Huck’s . That is to say,in order to exist freely,one must flee from the “civilizing” society where human nature is strangled,in the time when slave-holding system is badly rampant. Freedom,sometimes,is related to escaping from the “civilizing” society,not to stay in the “civilizing” society. On the other hand,Huck serves as the symbol of democracy and freedom of America. He is representing those positive American people at that time,Huck’s adventures and his escaping from the “civilizing” society,have deeper meaningful and strong influence. His adventures just reflect that American people demand to shake off the restriction of the “civilizing” society of European type. They just wanted to own their true living style and freedom. One more thing,Huck helped Jim to escape,this fact represents the thought of Twain that the Black should enjoy the equal freedom and the rights as the White!
  [2]The Norton Anthology of American Literature third edition volume 2 part 1 edited by Nina Baym etc.w.w.Norton
【摘要】随着经济全球化的加快,英语成为各国通用语言。而高職院校中的英语教学在教学方法和模式等各方存在问题,为了使毕业生更好的适应职场需要,满足我国经济发展的需要,高职院校的EOP转向势在必行,那么在具体的推行中,课程开发、教学方式和教学评估等都会对EOP模式有着不同程度的影响。  【关键词】高职院校 英语教学 EOP  在高职院校传统教育体系中,英语的教学存在教学方法单一、教学模式陈旧、教学评价体
【摘要】近年来,大学英语专业已成为一个非常热门的专业,但在当今市场环境的影响下,英语专业毕业生也面临着激烈的竟争。本文针对英语专业毕业生的就业问题和对策进行了相关的分析与研究。  【关键词】英语专业 就业问题 对策  最近连续几年大学毕业生数目不断攀升,但是社会对大学毕业生的需求量却在不断下降,大学生的就业问题已成为一个非常严峻社会问题。英语专业作为我国高校招生数目较大、散布范围较广的本科专业,每
兴趣是获得成功的良师。  那么如何在教学中培养学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的学习兴趣呢?以下几点是我在仁爱版英语教学中总结的一些小技巧,对提高学生学习英语兴趣很有帮助。  一、巧记词法规则  “be make of”与“be make from” 这连个词组的意思都是“由……组成”,一个是接可以看得出原材料的,另一个是接看不出原材料的,许多学生常混淆。一个很简单又有效的方法:“from”由四个字母组成
【摘要】基于产业发展动态调整专业,推动职业教育有效教学是保障职业教育发展与经济发展、产业优化升级形成良性互动的重要途径,它不仅可以提高我国高职专业英语课堂教学质量,满足区域经济发展需求,还可以丰富高等职业教育教学层次和内容。通过对高职商务英语的效教学,为学生职业素质提高和专业技能培养打下了良好的基础,实现教学的最优化。  【关键词】区域经济 职业教育 商务英语 有效教学  引言  国务院颁发的《关
【摘要】本文尝试将系统功能语言学应用到语言教学的目标设定之中,探讨功能语言学对改进英语课堂教学目标设计的启示,以提高英语师范生课堂教学的设计能力。  【关键词】系统功能语言学 教学目标  近些年来,我国基础教育阶段的英语课程改革中的一项重要内容就是重新设置英语课程的目标,特别是突出了实际语言运用能力的培养。具体到每一堂课中,教学目标即教学活动实施的方向和预期达成的结果,其有效的设计是课堂教学的核心
【摘要】在高考英语全国卷中,短文改错、语法填空、七选五填空都是常考的题型,但对于安徽省的英语高考试卷来讲却是很少见。为了让安徽省的广大考生更好的应对新题型,笔者在分析全国卷的基础上,谈谈自己对这三种题型的理解。  【关键词】高考英语 安徽卷 全国卷 策略  在考试中,无论试卷加入了哪一种新题型,我们都不要惊恐,因为万变不离其宗。接下来,笔者将一一分析这三种题型的主要特点及主要解题策略。  一、短文
【摘要】初中英语写作一直都是教学的重要内容之一,如何才能提高学生的英语写作兴趣与英语写作水平,也是英语教学中一直很难攻破的难关,因此,本文主要针对如何才能提高初中英语写作课堂教学的实效性进行的反思。  【关键词】初中英语 写作教学 困境 突破  英语写作近十几年来一直是中考英语试题的重要组成部分,但一提起写作,大多数学生们就犯愁,有的干脆放弃,更不要说写一篇优秀的英语作文了。面对学生“难于上青天”
【摘要】文化学习和语言学习之间具有着十分密切的关联,任何一门语言的学习均需对其文化背景有一定的认识和了解,这一点在高中阶段的英语教学中同样关键,跨文化语境已逐渐引起教育界人士的广泛关注。本文主要對高中英语跨文化语境教学的重要性进行了分析。  【关键词】跨文化语境 高中英语 应试教育 宗教信仰 文化内涵  前言  高中阶段的英语教学,主要是为了培养和提升学生的语言综合能力,并使其掌握基本的知识技能。