
来源 :语言与翻译 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenyinan
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4月8日,为推动自治区“民族团结进步年”活动重大决策部署的落实,切实加强少数民族语言文字的翻译工作,自治区党委副书记、自治区主席雪克来提·扎克尔专程前往自治区民族语言文字工作委员会(翻译局)考察调研。他指出,要充分认识新形势下少数民族语言文字翻译工作的重要性,把加强少数民族语言文字的翻译工作,放在实现新疆社会稳定和长治久安的工作大局中去推进,放在各民族共同团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展的目标任务中去把握,作为推进“民族团结进步年”活动的重要举措去落实。 On April 8, in order to promote the implementation of major policy decisions made by the autonomous region in respect to the “Year of National Unity and Progress,” we must earnestly step up efforts to translate the languages ​​spoken and written by ethnic minorities. Kirk Kiti Zucker, deputy party secretary and chairman of the autonomous region, made a special trip to the region Ethnic Minority Languages ​​and Languages ​​Working Committee (Translation Bureau) Investigation and Research. He pointed out: To fully understand the importance of language and language translation work for ethnic minorities in the new situation, we should step up efforts to enhance the translation work of ethnic minority languages ​​in the overall work of realizing social stability and long-term peace and stability in Xinjiang and put them in the common unity of all ethnic groups Struggle and common prosperity and development, “as an important measure to promote the” Year of National Unity and Progress ".
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