Translations of Religious Culture—loaded Words in the Gospel According to Mark (by Jorge Luis Borges

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  【Abstract】In the process of passing on and carrying forward the culture, some words have loaded the culture. In this article, the author analyzes the translations of the culture-loaded words, especially the words embodying the religious culture in the Gospel According to Mark (by Jorge Luis Borges) on the basis of Nida’s five types of cultures. Comparing the Chinese version translated by Wang Yongnian and the English one translated by Norrnan Thomas di Giovanni in collaboration with Jorge Luis Borges, the author puts forwards that means of translation should be flexible to achieve the goal of cross-cultural communications.
  【Key words】the Gospel According to Mark (by Jorge Luis Borges); culture-loaded words; translation
  1. The Gospel According to Mark (by Jorge Luis Borges)
  In the story of the Gospel According to Mark (by Jorge Luis Borges), Baltasar Espinosa was invited by his cousin Daniel to spend the summer months out at La Colorada. However, he was crucified because of his deified behaviors in the poor and ignorant Gutres’ eyes. In practice, he was regarded as the Christ who had allowed Himself to be killed so as to save all other men on earth from Hell. Borges managed to convey special theological meanings: human beings are in need of a Saviour, but God’s salvation is often understood in a secular and one-sided view.
  2. Culture-loaded Words
  2.1 The Definition of Culture-loaded Words
  Culture-loaded words, defined as special words, phrases and idioms embodying a particular culture, represent the particular ways of activities differentiating from other nationalities and are gradually accumulated during the long history process. (Professor Liao Qiyi)
  2.2 Five Categories of Culture-loaded Words
  Culture-loaded words can be categorized into five types: ecological culture-loaded words, material culture-loaded words, social culture-loaded words, religious culture-loaded words and linguistic culture-loaded words. (Nida)
  2.3 Strategies of Translating Culture-loaded Words
  The strategies often adopted in translating culture-loaded words are phonetic transcription, transliteration, semantic transliteration, literal translation, free translation and substitution. (Zhang Guojian)
  3. Translating the Religious Culture-loaded Words in the Gospel According to Mark (by Jorge Luis Borges)
  Consisting of religious beliefs, values and forms of diverse cultural backgrounds, religious culture, one of the essential components of human cultures, mainly presents differences in various nationalities’ religion beliefs and behaviors. It also leads to barriers of cross-culture communications and linguistic translations. (Zhang Xiurong) As for this story, it is relatively easier to translate from Spanish to English because of the common religion, Christianism, in Argentina and many English speaking countries and the same language family, the Indo-European language family, while it is arduous to translate the culture-loaded words from Spanish to Chinese because of the disparate language families and different religions.   3.1 Translations of Religious Culture-loaded Words in the Gospel According to Mark (by Jorge Luis Borges) by Wang Yongnian
  In the version translated by Wang Yongnian, Golgotha and the Gutres’ behavior of secretly stealing the crumbs Espinosa had dropped on the table are noted. First, Golgotha, translated as “Place of the Skull”, is the place where Jesus was brought to be crucified. (The Gospel According to Mark, 15:22) Second, stealing the crumbs comes from the fact that Jesus gave five loaves and two fish to his disciples to serve the people. “They all ate and were satisfied and they picked up the broken pieces and fish that were left over, twelve baskets full. ” (The Gospel According to Mark, 6:41-42)
  3.2 Other Religious Culture-loaded Words in the Gospel According to Mark (by Jorge Luis Borges)
  In this story, there are some other religious culture-loaded words and expressions deriving from the Old Testament and the New Testament.
  Example 1:
  “En cuanto a sus hermanos y a su padre, ya sabrían por Daniel que estaba aislado —la palabra, etimológicamente, era justa— por la creciente. ” (Jorge Luis Borges)
  Norrnan Thomas di Giovanni and Borges’s version: As for his brothers and his father, they would already have learned from Daniel that he was isolated etymologically, the word was perfect—by the floodwaters.
  Wang’s version: 至于他的兄弟和父亲,他们多半已从丹尼尔那里听说由于河水上涨,他像困在孤岛上那样与世隔绝了。
  Analysis: In this story, Daniel could be comprehended from a different perspective of view. Daniel, who is a Jews, is a prophet in Hebrew Bible, having insight into all kinds of visions and dreams. The name from the Book of Daniel means “God is my judge.” Here Wang adopts transliteration. Some explanatory notes could be added by using the technique of annotation in order to enrich readers’ knowledge and help readers to have a better comprehension of the theological significance in this story. The annotation can be divided into literal translation with notes and annotated transliteration. Here annotated transliteration could be employed.
  Example2: “Los Gutres lo seguían por las piezas y por el corredor, como si anduvieran perdidos.” (Jorge Luis Borges)
  Norrnan Thomas di Giovanni and Borges’s version: The Gutres, as if lost without him, liked following him from room to room and along the gallery that ran around the house.
  Wang’s version: 他在房间里和走廊转悠时,古特雷一家仿佛迷途的羔羊似的老是跟着他。
  Analysis: Literal translation is utilized in the English version, whereas substitution is flexibly employed in the Chinese one. The lost sheep stems from the New Testament. That the Gutres followed Espinosa like the lost sheep is parallel to the scene where all the tax collectors and sinners were coming to hear Jesus in the chapter 15 of Luck. “I tell you, in the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need to repent.” (Luck, 15:7) The parable of the lost sheep told by Jesus intends to indicate it’s the God’s accountabilities to save the human beings including the sinner compared to the lost sheep. Wang’s version to any great degree assists Chinese in interpreting relationships between the Bible and this story and understand theological importance in this story.   4. Bible’s Influences on Translations of Religious Culture-loaded Words
  Bible’s influences on translations of the religious culture-loaded words could be found in light of the analysis of translations mentioned above. As a matter of fact, Bible, the headspring of the western culture, has a significant impact on economy, polity, literature and people’s daily life and so does it on translation. A better understanding of the Bible would facilitate translators’ translating some western works, especially some religious literature.
  5. Conclusions
  The translations of the culture-loaded words play an important part in the literature translation. The author mentions several types of translation strategies of culture-loaded words, such as transliteration, annotated transliteration, literal translation with notes and substitution adopted in translating the religious culture-loaded words in the Gospel According to Mark(by Jorge Luis Borges) having a strong bearing on the Bible. The specialty and complexity of the cultural words have determined the flexibility of the means of translating the culture-loaded words. Translators should employ various and appropriate means of translations to sort the differences between two kinds of cultures and languages in order to attain the goal of cross-cultural communications.
  [3]Eugene A.Nida,Charles R.Taber,The Theory and Practice of Translation[M],Brill,2003-7-18.
  [6]徐继明.被解构的“基督” 必死的埃斯比诺萨——博尔赫斯《马可福音》之神学寓意解读[J].长江师范学院学报,2014(1):89-92.
  [8]Zhang Guojian,Cross-cultural Communication and Translation of Culture-loaded Words,湖州师范学院学报,2003-6.
【摘要】中医英语课程是中医药类院校英语专业的必开科目,是体现专业方向的主干课程,该课程自开设以来已有近二十载,专业化发展的道路上在有了全国性专业考试体系的敦促下,定会有更快更好的发展,本文以中医英语水平考试为依托,尝试分析中医英语课程教学中应改进和提高的地方,规范化中医英语课程教学,以此促进中医药外向型人才的培养。  【关键词】中医英语;水平考试;教学  【作者简介】史文君(1983.8-),女,
第一期的《游戏里你不知道的事儿》,就由dogmi来抛砖引玉,带大家来看一看魔兽里人族的一些有趣的事儿。  先让我们来说说人族的英雄们吧。大法师是绝大多数人族玩家首发英雄的主要人选,很多战术也是围绕他展开,不过不知道大家有没有注意过一个细节:大法师在每次用右手挥起法杖攻击的时候,他的白龙马都会“很配合”地把头侧向左边,以躲避大法师扔出的火球,并心中默念:还好我反映快,要不又抽上我了(当然,这个是小编
【摘要】听、说、读、写四个板块是英语学习的主要模块,从基本教学现状看来,学生在读写方面能力较强,反而在听说这两方面有所欠缺。从英语实用性角度看来,英语口语交际能力是衡量学生综合能力的关键因素,为了进一步推动学生英语能力提高,需要对口语能力教学进一步优化与强化。  【关键词】交际;初中英语;教学;口语  【作者简介】李丽,江苏省沭阳县怀文中学。  从实际英语运用角度出发,英语交际能力其实是学生综合英
【摘要】形合意合是英语和汉语的最根本区别之一,本文以朱自清的散文《背影》及张培基的英语译文为语料,在英汉对比语言学的理论指导下从形合与意合的角度进行分析,通过比较两种语言的形式特点,进一步为语言教学提供指导意义。  【关键词】形合;意合;《背影》;对比  【作者简介】纪羽茜,长春师范大学外国语学院。  一、引言  形合(hypotaxis)与意合(parataxis)是指不同的词语粘合手段。“合”
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【摘要】随着我国社会经济的繁荣发展,人民的生活水平有了显著的改善,国家开始加大了对旅游项目的倡导和支持力度,使得跨境旅游的游客越来越多,旅游英语教学的重要性不言而喻。交际活动的成功与否主要取决于是否具有良好的语言能力,同时还需要具备良好的跨文化交际能力。高职旅游英语教学必须改变传统的授课模式,着重加强学生的语言能力和跨文化的逻辑思维培养,从而提高学生的职业素养。  【关键词】高职;旅游英语;教学;
【摘要】本文聚焦英语专业学生思辨能力薄弱的问题。在梳理了思辨能力的概念和内涵后,分析了导致英语专业学生“思辨薄弱症”的原因,进而从转变人才培养模式和改革教学方法两方面出发,提出了一些发展英语专业学生思辨能力的方法和对策。  【关键词】思辨能力;英语教育;教学改革  【作者简介】王燕,上海海关学院海关外语系。  作为二本院校英语专业的资深教师,笔者二十年来教授的各种英语基础课、专业课已有十余门,对所
案例背景:笔者作为一名新教师,自感各方面的功力都很不足。但是一次课堂上发生的教学事件让笔者感受到,新教师也是具备自身的特殊优势的:年轻意味着有童心,有童心意味着有玩心。在教学过程中,只要驾驭得当,“贪玩”也可以变成“有创意”。  新版译林六下的第六、七单元教学内容围绕旅游的主题展开,需掌握一些城市和名胜景点的正确读音,如Sydney(悉尼)、Taipei(台北)、the Grand Canyon(
【摘要】本文主要针对商务英语合同的语言特征及其翻译为重点进行分析,结合商务英语合同特征为依据,从商务英语合同的翻译原則及标准方面进行详细的阐述,其主要目的在于探索商务英语合同的语言特征及其翻译,为全面提高商务英语合同的翻译质量奠定坚实的基础。  【关键词】商务英语合同;语言特征;翻译标准  【作者简介】冉倩,华北电力大学科技学院。  引言  随着经济全球化的发展,在现代化的整体发展中,为保障国际合