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新形势下如何做好学生的思想教育工作已成为技工学校的热点、难点和焦点问题,也是一个新课题。对此,笔者认为应从以下两方面下功夫。一、思想教育要有爱心和信心首先,思想教育要有爱心。技工学校的学生大部分是中考落榜者,都有一种失落感,缺乏立志成才的信心。针对技工学校学生的这一心理特点,教师特别是班主任应从关心爱护学生入手,主动与学生交朋友,缩短师生之间的距离,在思想上正确启发、引导他们消除心理负担;在学习上热心指导、鼓励他们树立立志成才的信心;在生活上帮助、照顾他们,使他们真正体验到班级集体的温暖,为他们创造一个宽松、和谐、融洽的学习、生活环境。其次,思想教育要有信心。技校的生源构成十分复杂,其心理状况、文化结构各不相同,心理素质、文化素质普遍不高,可以说是学历教育中较差的一类生源。有些教师称技校生是“三难”学生,即“难管、难教、难成才”。但学校领导和教师对教育好这些学生必须有足够的信 How to do a good job of ideological education for students under the new situation has become a hot topic, a difficult point and a focus issue for technical schools. It is also a new topic. In this regard, I believe that the following two aspects should work hard. First, ideological education must have love and confidence First, ideological education should be loving. Most of the students in the technical schools are those who have taken the exams. They all have a sense of loss and lack the confidence to become successful. In view of this psychological characteristic of technical school students, teachers, especially class teachers, should start with caring for and protecting students, take the initiative to make friends with students, shorten the distance between teachers and students, inspire them mentally and guide them to eliminate the psychological burden, and enthusiastically study Guide and encourage them to establish their confidence to aspire to be successful; to help them in life and take care of them so that they can really experience the warmth of the class and create a relaxed, harmonious and harmonious learning and living environment for them. Second, ideological education should have confidence. The composition of students in technical schools is very complicated. The psychological conditions and cultural structures are different, and their psychological and cultural qualities are generally not high. They can be regarded as the poorer types of students in academic education. Some teachers say that technical school students are “three difficult” students, that is, “difficult to manage, difficult to teach and difficult to succeed.” But school leaders and teachers must have enough letters to educate these students well
20 0 0年 3月 2 6日至 30日 ,中国成人教育协会等十八个单位在北京联合举办了“中国加入 WTO与加快实施科教兴国战略高级研讨班”。中国即将加入“世界贸易组织”,已成为全国
目的分析嘉兴社区高龄老人高尿酸血症的患病现状及相关因素,探索社区综合防治措施。方法采用社区体检方法,对社区1075名80岁以上老人进行健康体检。结果 27.72%(298/1075)80
天津职业技术师范学院是国家劳动和社会保障部直属的一所全日制普通高等学校 ,主要为技工学校和职业培训实体培养师资和管理干部。除从全国普通高等学校统一招生考试中招生外
上海东沪职业技术学院的前身是上海钢铁工业专科学校 ,创办于 195 9年 ,至今已有 40年的大专办学历史。学校从 1991年开始探索高等职业技术教育的办学规律 ,至今也有近十年的
贺利氏—上海齿科有限公司在上世纪末新建了技术培训中心 ,中心内有贺利氏公司最新的技工设备 :激光点焊机、真空压力铸造机、镀金仪、支架和笔式喷砂机、高速模型切割机、电
实习教学是技校教学的重要组成部分。怎样提高实习教师的教学水平 ,确保实习教学质量 ,这是一个值得深入研究的问题。把握教学重点首先 ,教师应对教材有比较深入的理解 ,为授