The evidence for the evolution of interplanetary small flux ropes: Boundary layers

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyzhen
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We have examined the Wind data in 1996 and identified 21 small interplanetary magnetic flux ropes(SIMFRs),and all the 21 SIMFRs have boundary layer structures.The durations of the boundary layers varied from several minutes to 30 minutes.These boundary layers also have properties of high proton temperature,density,and plasma beta.These boundary layers are formed by magnetic reconnections.In addition,in three events magnetic reconnections were occurring inside the boundary layers.It indicates that the flux rope structures have propagated for some period of time,and their boundaries were still evolving through interaction with the background solar wind.Namely it is very possible that the SIMFRs came from the solar corona. We have examined the Wind data in 1996 and identified 21 small interplanetary magnetic flux ropes (SIMFRs), and all the 21 SIMFRs have boundary layer structures. Durations of the boundary layers varied from several minutes to 30 minutes. These boundary layers also have properties of high proton temperature, density, and plasma beta. these boundary layers are formed by magnetic reconnections. addition, in three events magnetic reconnections were occurred inside the boundary layers. and their boundaries were still evolving through interaction with the background solar wind.Namely it is very possible that the SIMFRs came from the solar corona.
中西医结合治疗急性心肌梗塞100例临床观察天津市南开医院赵悦惠,王 平,唐艳萍,张翠兰急性心肌梗塞的急救,并发症的正确处理及症状改善可明显降低病死率。我院自1987年1月至1988年6月收治冠心