The Cultivation of Innovative Logic Thinking Ability in Writing on Junior Middle School English Teac

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  【Abstract】English writing is a basic skill that middle school students should master in learning English, and the written expression of English has a certain proportion in the middle school entrance examination. The new curriculum standard states that “writing is the communicative ability to express and convey information in writing, and the ability to cultivate initial writing is one of the purposes of English teaching.” To develop students’ English writing ability, first of all, starting from English words and vocabulary, strengthen five basics. The teaching of sentence patterns and there be sentence structure should not only cultivate students’ flexible and rigorous thinking ability, but also require students to be familiar with English genre.
  【Key words】Junior school ;Written expression;Creative Thinking;English Teaching
  English written expression can better reflect the comprehensive ability of students’ English learning. The cultivation of abilities lies in the subtle influence of teachers in the usual teaching process, which lies in the accumulation of students in class and extracurricular activities.Good ability to use English for expression is based on good logical thinking, imagination and rich vocabulary, and a good grasp of the five basic sentence patterns. In the process of writing essay writing, teachers should ask students to seriously examine the questions.They should seriously consider the key points, formats, number of words and expression centers, precautions and other information required by the questions. Then, for the genre of the article, it is a letter. , diary, leave, or picture writing, to be clear in advance; finally determine the tense of the article.
  II.How to Cultivate Junior Middle School Students’ Innovative Logical Thinking Ability in English Writing
  1.Logical thinking training in the form of questions and answers
  Questioning and answering is a form of communication between teachers and students in the classroom. Teachers can set certain scenes, and then guide students to ask questions. Let students answer them verbally and then connect the answers to all questions.Through such exercises, students’ logical thinking can be exercised.Among them, the related words can be appropriately used to connect the sentences of the answer. In this way, an essay is formed.Through such exercises, students are also fully aware that the essay is composed of one sentence, and it can also be reduced to zero, which virtually eliminates students’ fear of writing.   2. Accumulation of words, phrases and sentence patterns
  The theory of English language learning tells us: “A large number of language inputs create possibilities for the output of language.” Words are the most basic elements of essays. Students’ mastery of vocabulary and sentence patterns directly affects the quality of essays. Students can only express correctly if they master the sentence pattern; students can only fully express themselves if they have a large number of words and phrases.
  3.Imitation writing. Under the reference of the original essay, students can use the appropriate sentence patterns and tenses to imitate writing. In the process of imitating writing, we must pay attention to imitating English. Language habits, writing methods and writing skills. Try to find the highlights of the students, mostly to encourage, of course, the mistakes that students generally have can not be taken lightly, and should be corrected in time.By imitating writing, students learn to organize English language expressions, learn to use sentence patterns, and learn how to write to make the inheritance between upper and lower sentences more natural and coherent, and also enable students’ thinking ability to be trained, cultivated and improved. Students’ English writing skills and skills.
  4.Look at the picture composition
  Usually give a set of pictures in the classroom teaching, ask students to carefully observe the set of pictures, first determine the time and place of what happened in the set of pictures, the relationship between the characters in the picture, and then determine what should be used State description.Then let the students develop a rich association and write a short essay (limited number of words) within a limited time. Then students are required to correct each other’s essays, focusing on some common mistakes. This is because students are not easy to detect their own grammatical errors in the process of writing. However, it is easier for students to find problems by other students’ ideas. In this way, errors can be corrected in a timely manner, and at the same time, good mutual communication and mutual learning can be achieved, and the spirit of collaboration among students can be cultivated to enhance friendship among students.
  After the writing practice, the teacher should make corrections in time. Teachers should adopt different methods of correction for different situations of different students.Regardless of the method used, the key is to make the effect better. In the face of the batch, the teacher sits at the student’s side to tutor the students, helps the students to correct the mistakes in time, corrects the grammar, the order of words, etc. At this time, the students’ attention is naturally more concentrated than in the class, and the composition pointed out by the teacher. Errors are more important to keep in mind. Through face-to-face communication, it not only helps students remove the obstacles of learning, but also closes the distance between teachers and students. This helps to enhance the emotional communication between teachers and students and effectively stimulate students’ motivation for writin When teachers criticize the composition, they should implement an incentive evaluation. The good sentences in the student’s work can be marked with a red pen, and the motivational comments are written after the students’ work. “Teachers’ vocabulary tends to inspire students’ endless writing enthusiasm and potential, and form a positive and powerful internal motivation.”
  [1]Truscott, J. (2009). Arguments and appearances: A response to Chandler. Journal of Second Language Writing,
  [2]Zhang, W.,
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【摘要】阅读是高中阶段英语学习中比较重要的一部分,其不仅考察学生的词汇量,还考查学生分析长难句的能力。在高中阶段学会如何阅读、如何更好、更快的阅读,是学生重要的学习任务之一。  【关键词】高中英语;阅读能力;阅读速度  【作者简介】谭丽华,江西省萍乡市湘东中学。  英语阅读教学是高中阶段最重要的内容之一,学生英语阅读能力的培养对于学生的发展具有十分积极的意义。笔者任高中英语教师多年,有感于学生英语
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