
来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wujun33
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The trusted network connection is a hot spot in trusted computing field and the trust measurement and access control technology are used to deal with network security threats in trusted network.But the trusted network connection lacks fine-grained states and real-time measurement support for the client and the authentication mechanism is difficult to apply in the trusted network connection,it is easy to cause the loss of identity privacy.In order to solve the abovedescribed problems,this paper presents a trust measurement scheme suitable for clients in the trusted network,the scheme integrates the following attributes such as authentication mechanism,state measurement,and real-time state measurement and so on,and based on the authentication mechanism and the initial state measurement,the scheme uses the realtime state measurement as the core method to complete the trust measurement for the client.This scheme presented in this paper supports both static and dynamic measurements.Overall,the characteristics of this scheme such as fine granularity,dynamic,real-time state measurement make it possible to make more fine-grained security policy and therefore it overcomes inadequacies existing in the current trusted network connection. The trusted network connection is a hot spot in trusted computing field and the trust measurement and access control technology are used to deal with network security threats in trusted network.But the trusted network connection lacks fine-grained states and real-time measurement support for the client and the authentication mechanism is difficult to apply in the trusted network connection, it is easy to cause the loss of identity privacy. In order to solve the abovedescribed problems, this paper presents a trust measurement scheme suitable for clients in the trusted network, the scheme integrates the following attributes such as authentication mechanism, state measurement, and real-time state measurement and so on, and based on the authentication mechanism and the initial state measurement, the scheme uses the realtime state measurement as the core method to complete the trust measurement for the client.This scheme presented in this paper supports both static and dynamic measurements. Overall, the characteristics of this scheme such as fine granularity, dynamic, real-time state measurement make it possible to make more fine-grained security policy and therefore it overcomes inadequacies existing in the current trusted network connection.
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