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10年前,美国篮球和其他国家的篮球比起来就是几句话,他们是职业球星,而我们不是;他们有迈克尔·乔丹,而我们没有。10年后,美国篮球还是这个世界上的老大,尽管失去了迈克尔.但是他们依然能得到全世界球迷的宠爱,不过这些后生们更多的是以篮球的名义风光,凭借的是整个NBA的风采在世人面前晃悠,潇潇洒洒,戏耍江湖,用他们自己的方式来表现着篮球的艺术。就是在参加世界锦标赛的时候,他们也妄图沿用前辈们的方式来完成又一个辉煌。然而这次的美国梦之队却没有表现出让人称道的一面,他们随心所欲的表演在自己国家的土地上失去了梦幻的光芒,在全世界球迷的眼睛里失去了本来的颜色,败阿根廷,输南斯拉夫,甚至被西班牙队落在了后面,曾经不可一世的梦之队就这祥在2002年的秋天完成了他们的第五次表演,引退于美利坚合众国的篮球馆里,但却不是光荣地离开。 Ten years ago, basketball in the United States and other countries were a few words behind. They were professional stars and we were not; they had Michael Jordan, and we did not. 10 years later, the United States Basketball is still the world’s boss, despite the loss of Michael, but they still get the favor of fans around the world, but these are more students in the name of the basketball scene, with the style of the NBA Swinging in front of the world, Xiaoxosandasaixiao, playing rivers and lakes, with their own way to the performance of basketball art. It is in participating in the World Championships, they also vain attempt to follow the way predecessors to accomplish another brilliant. However, this time the American Dream Team did not show the commendable side, their arbitrary performance lost their dream land in the land of their own glory in the eyes of fans in the world lost its original color, defeat Argentina, lost Yugoslavia, even behind the Spanish team, once the mighty dream team completed its fifth performance in the fall of 2002, retiring from the basketball court in the United States of America but not leaving gloriously .
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