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唐小禾,湖北美术学院院长、教授,全国著名油画家、壁画家,现任湖北省美术家协会主席,中国美术家协会理事兼艺术委员会委员,中国第七、八届人大代表。多菱镜中的唐小禾,每一种形象都是一流的,称他什么才好,艺术家?教育家?似乎都是,用深圳特区报一位女记者的话来说,那就是唐小禾用尽心血在构筑他完善的人生结构。 1994年,在画坛上正如日中天的唐小禾接受省委任命,放弃专门从事艺术研究和创作的大好时机,出任湖北美术学院院长。在这六、七年里,他没有创作一幅作品,可这一阶段的他却苍老得比任何时候都要快,6年的时间竟让他已头发花白。认识唐小禾的人都说,这是他的性格使然,因为他一直把学校教育当作美术创作在做,而且是当成一生中最伟大的作品在做。唐小禾:来自美术世家的杰出艺术家记者采访唐小禾院长的那天,刚好他家接到一张来自20世纪中国美术编辑委员会寄来的《20世纪——中国美术馆藏品选》入选证书,入选的是唐小禾的父亲唐一禾的作品《“七七”的 Tang Xiahe, dean and professor of Hubei Academy of Fine Arts, a famous oil painter and painter of murals in China, is currently the chairman of Hubei Artists Association, the director of China Artists Association and a member of the arts committee, and the 7th and 8th NPC of China. Dori prism in the Tang Xiaoshi, each image is first class, said he was good, artist? Educator? Seems to be all, with a special reporter in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, that is, Don Xiahe exhausted in the Construct his perfect life structure. In 1994, on the painting scene, Tang Xiahe, a flourishing man, was appointed by the provincial party committee to give up the golden opportunity of specializing in artistic research and creation and became the dean of the Hubei Academy of Fine Arts. In these six or seven years, he did not create a work, but at this stage he was more old than ever. He had been gray for six years. Those who know Tang Xiaowei say that this is his personality, because he has always regarded school education as an art creation and as the greatest work of his life. Tang Xiaolu: Outstanding artist reporter from art family interviewed Dean Tang Xiaolu on the very day when he received a certificate from the 20th Century Chinese Art Editors’ Committee to select the “Collection of 20th Century China Art Museum” Tang Xiahe’s father, Tang Yihe’s works “” seven seven "
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