Human Translator and Translation Technology

来源 :校园英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhubajie527
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With the great development of technology,translation technology exerts great influence on human translators because during their translation process,they may use many computer-aided translation tools,such as TRADOS,Snowman,WordFisher and etc.However,they always misunderstand the concept of computer-aided translation,so this thesis managed to providedetails about some translation technology and human translators’ strengths so as to help them improve the productivity and the quality of theirtranslation works effectively and efficiently. With the great development of technology, translation technology exerts great influence on human translators because during translation process, they may use many computer-aided translation tools, such as TRADOS, Snowman, WordFisher and etc. However they always misunderstand the concept of computer -aided translation, so this managed to providedetails about some translation technology and human translators’ strengths so as to help them improve the productivity and the quality of theirtranslation works effectively and efficiently.
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