Unusual long-term motor recovery in a patient with corona radiata infarct

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:justice
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The majority of motor recovery following stroke occurs within 6 months after onset. The present study examined a patient with a corona radiata infarct, who exhibited an unusual long-term recovery (24 months after onset). The patient was a 64-year-old female, who presented with severe paralysis of the left extremities resulting from a corona radiate infarct. Motor recovery from the weakness progressed slowly over a 24-month period following onset, even at 6-12 months after onset. Diffusion tensor tractography at 2 weeks from onset showed disruption of the corticospinal tract of the affected hemisphere resulting from the infarct. However, at 12 and 24 months after onset, the corticospinal tract was elongated to the cortex level, as shown by diffusion tensor tractography. A 2-week transcranial magnetic stimulation showed no motor-evoked potential for the affected hemisphere, but a motor-evoked potential of the corticospinal tract was observed at 12 and 24 months. These results suggest that motor function recovery in cerebral infarct patients can occur at least up to 24 months after stroke onset. The majority of motor recovery following stroke events within 6 months after onset. The present study examined a patient with a corona radiata infarct, who showed an unusual long-term recovery (24 months after onset). The patient was a 64-year-old female, who presented with severe paralysis of the left extremities resulting from a corona radiate infarct. Motor recovery from the weakness progressed slowly over a 24-month period the following onset, even at 6-12 months after onset. Diffusion tensor tractography at 2 weeks from onset showed disruption of the corticospinal tract of the affected hemisphere resulting from the infarct. However, at 12 and 24 months after onset, the corticospinal tract was elongated to the cortex level, as shown by diffusion tensor tractography. A 2-week transcranial magnetic stimulation showed no motor-evoked potential for the affected hemisphere, but a motor-evoked potential of the corticospinal tract was observed at 12 and 24 months. These results suggest tha t motor function recovery in cerebral infarct patients can occur at least up to 24 months after stroke onset.
教育专家曾说:“没有惩罚的教育是不完整的教育。”可在我看来,聪明的惩罚可以用游戏的方式进行,让孩子“玩”完以后印象深刻,就会有利于他们长大成熟。  定时游戏,增强孩子耐性  儿子轩轩从二年级开始,做作业简直可以罗列成一本《坏习惯大全》,坐姿歪扭、写一会玩一会、漏题错题、字迹潦草……最让我生气的是,周末那天他居然做了一半作业就去看电视了。隔日,我惩罚他多做一张试卷,儿子却依然边玩边写,甚至越写越差。
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