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农村市场潜力如何开拓,这是政府、社会广为关注的问题。五中全会的“建议”指出要千方百计增加农民收入。它是开发农村市场的根本。为此要:一、大力调整农村产业结构,发展优质高效农业,实现农业产业化、增加农业科技含量,提高农产品商品率;二、加大对农业的财政投入和政策倾斜,加快农村的电网改造,水利交通建设,生态保护建设;三、引导乡镇企业技术升级、产品更新、扩大农产品深加工升值;四、稳步推进小城镇建设,推进城市化进程,加快农业富余劳动力转移;五、加强农村文化建设,提高农民的文化技术素质,增强其生存致富的能力;六、发 How to develop rural market potential, which is the government, society, the issue of widespread concern. The “Proposal” of the Fifth Plenary Session pointed out that every effort should be made to increase the income of peasants. It is fundamental to developing rural markets. To this end, we should: 1. Vigorously readjust rural industrial structure, develop high quality and efficient agriculture, realize industrialization of agriculture, increase the scientific and technological content of agriculture and raise the commodity rate of agricultural products. 2. Increase financial input and policies toward agriculture and speed up rural power grid reform Third, to guide the township enterprises to upgrade their technology, product updates, expanding the appreciation of deep processing of agricultural products; Fourth, steadily push forward the construction of small towns and cities, and promote the process of urbanization, accelerate the transfer of surplus agricultural labor force; Fifth, to strengthen rural cultural construction , Improve the cultural and technological quality of farmers, and enhance their ability to survive and become rich;
分析了压力机的制动过程 ,指出压力机实际制动角受到各种因素的影响。基于实验结果和理论分析 ,对摩擦离合器—制动器的结构、气路和电控系统的设计提出了建议 The braking
消费是拉动经济增长的三驾马车之一 ,因此 ,消费增长态势颇受关注。本文通过多角度分析认为 ,当前广东省消费增长态势好 ,速度比较快。消费在经济发展中作用重大 ,大有潜力可
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。2002年湖北省经济发展态势良好 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Hu
田中真纪子在担任外相期间,屡屡向政坛顽疾发起攻击,更让小泉在政治派别之间的平衡问题上处于被动地位。这使小泉不无反感。 During his foreign affairs as a foreign mini
每年春节,贺岁电影扎堆上映,可谓抢尽风头。作为老百姓,過年不去看场电影,似乎就像缺点啥。所以,看电影已成为中国人春节阖家团圆的新年俗之一。鸡年春节,电影票房继续保持增长。据电影专资办统计数据显示,7天长假票房累计近34亿元,比去年同期增长了约 10%。  这样的成绩,对于疲软多时的2016年票房而言,不啻为一个“开门红”的翻身仗。这一方面得益于三、四、五线城市的票房增长;另一方面,各大影片为锁定排
世界贸易组织成员享有的基本权利主要有: ☆在134个现有成员中享受无条件、多边、永久和稳定的最惠国待遇以及国民待遇。 ☆享受其他世贸组织成员开放或扩大货物、服务市场