Suggestions on the Selection of Educational Research Projects

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  【Abstract】The project selection is the beginning of the whole educational and scientific research activities. The choice of project also determines whether the scientific research work can receive external support. If the project selection is appropriate and valuable, it can get support of material, financial and even human resources from educational and scientific research departments. Correct project selection can improve scientific research efficiency.
  【Key words】Suggestion; Selection; Education; Scientific Research Project

1. Significance of Research Project Selection

  The process of selecting topics is a research process and obviously, this process is not only a process of selecting topics, but also a process of teachers’ self-improvement. It is helpful for researchers to form long-term research direction. Educators have limited time and energy to engage in educational research and to make achievements in a limited time, they need to determine a main research direction, accumulate knowledge for a long time and form a useful knowledge system. It is not easy to form a topic suitable for personal long-term research. However, once this kind of topic is studied, it will continue to achieve results and form its own systematic views on some educational issues.

2. The Suggestions of Selecting Educational Research Projects

  As far as the researchers themselves are concerned, finding and raising a question of scientific significance in their own research field is the result of cognition. Whether the quality problem can be raised is the key to high-quality scientific research. Topic selection determines the value of research and the success of research.
  2.1. Doubt Strategy
  Doubt is not random, but has a basis. As a basis for doubt, there are two aspects, one is facts and experience, and the other is logic. The facts and experience as the basis of doubt are always inconsistent with or even contrary to the existing conclusions or conventions. Sometimes school education appears very weak in front of them, far from playing a leading role. Logic is an effective tool to test the rationality of theory. Logical scrutiny of theories can start with the scrutiny of concepts, especially the basic concepts of a discipline, and the concepts that are very popular at that time should also be carefully scrutinized.
  2.2. Strategies for Changing Thinking Angles
  The change of thinking angle is of many types. One is the transformation at the same level, from one aspect of thinking to the other Another type of angle conversion is carried out at two different levels. Some of them have changed from more abstract to more concrete, such as the problems of imparting knowledge and cultivating ability in research and teaching. For quite a long time, they have remained on the discussion of general objectives. People who are good at finding new problems through changing their thinking angles often show qualities such as flexibility and strictness.   2.3. The Strategy of Analogy and Transplantation
  It discovers new problems in the research of this discipline through analogy with the research objects of other disciplines and borrowing the thinking mode of other disciplines. The characteristics of this kind of thinking strategy are found by inspiration from other disciplines. Due to the complexity and comprehensiveness of educational phenomena, it is possible to put forward new problems by transplanting the thinking methods of other disciplines and comparing with the research objects of other disciplines. People who are good at using this strategy to find problems often show strong mobility and generality in thinking quality. They are better at finding similarities between things that do not seem very similar on the surface, and can summarize and compare them at a more abstract level, thus bridging the gap between two different ideas. In addition, such people generally have a wide range of knowledge.

3. Conclusion

  The correct selection of topics can not be done overnight. Researchers should not only grasp the overall situation of theoretical research in this field, but also have in-depth understanding of educational practice. They should not only have problem awareness, but also understand and master the relevant knowledge and methods of topic selection, and constantly improve our ability to select topics and comprehensive abilities such as innovation, judgment and evaluation.
核心素养是我国基础教育的改革方向,是广大教师开展课堂教学的重要目标导向。文化品格作为英语学科核心素养之一,指的学生对中外文化的理解和对优秀文化的认同,是他们在全球化背景下表现出的知识素质、人文修养和行为取向。广大教师应当注重强化拓展教学,聚焦文化品格,不断深化学生的英语核心素养。一、展开会话,注意中西差异  小学英语作为一门语言学科,需要大量的英语实践活动来掌握其特点与基本技能,对话练习是英语学习
【摘要】思维导图是指将知识内容之间的联系具体表示出来,将其应用英语词汇学习中,能有效实现对学生创造力的培养,并取得良好的教学效果。本文围绕利用思维导图来掌握新的单词、通过思维导图学习相似词汇、进行学习方法的掌握练习三个方面展开讨论,详细分析了思维导图在英语词汇教学中的有效作用,能加深对思维导图这一方法的了解,进而充分发挥其在英语词汇教学中的积极作用。  【关键词】思维导图;词汇教学;初中英语  【
【摘要】《达洛维夫人》是弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的代表作,这部小说以一日为框架,生动地描写了一位英国上层社会达洛维夫人和一位名叫史密斯的精神病患者从上午9点到午夜时分约15个小时的生活经历和意识活动。为了更好地理解这篇小说的深层次意义,本文将从女性主义角度,分析房间里天使的困境,解读伍尔夫的内心世界。  【关键词】弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫;女性主义;达洛维夫人;困境  【Abstract】Mrs. Dallowa
【摘要】现阶段,在新课标背景下,我国很多小学的英语教学依旧采取过往的模仿记忆法,侧重对单词、文章的记忆以及单纯语法知识的讲解,忽略了对核心素养之一的思维品质的培养。使英语阅读枯燥、乏味,学生们渐渐失去阅读兴趣。本文以人教版小学英语阅读教学为例,依据教学实际,讨论如何在教学中培养学生的思维品质。  【关键词】小学英语;阅读教学;高年级;思维品质  【作者简介】许慧君,江西省吉安市万安县弹前中心小学。
【摘要】现阶段我国处于全球经济一体化的整体背景下,各行各业得到良好发展,与世界各国的交流频率不断增加,在此种社会背景下社会发展于英语翻译方面专业人才的需求量随之提高。就各大高校而言,其承担培养优秀英语翻译人才的责任,翻译课程属于高校英语专业的基础知识与专业技能,高校英语教师必须利用当前网络高速发展的优势将英语翻译教学的有效性进行提升,旨在满足社会发展的切实需求。  【关键词】网络环境;高校英语翻译
【摘要】英语是一门国际化语言,也是一门使用最广泛的语言,从全世界来看,说英语的人数已经超过了任何语言的人数,占世界人口的三分之一多。我国英语教学由来已久,在中高考中所占的地位甚至一度超过国语,但在普通专业大学教育,尤其是部分高职院校英语教学中地位日渐降低,如何提升高职院校英语教学的地位及效果,本文笔者提出微课式教育方法的应用,以期解决这一问题。  【关键词】微课;高职教育;英语  【作者简介】靳鹏
【摘要】传统的小学英语课堂教学形式单一,机械式的教学不利于学生学习积极性的提高。绘本内容新颖,可将其融合在课堂教学中,为学生创造轻松的学习环境。本文简述绘本阅读在英语教学过程中的应用意义,分别从绘本选择、内容挖掘、思维引导、开展活动等方面阐述将其在英语课堂中的应用策略。  【关键词】小学英语;课堂教学;绘本阅读;教学实践  【作者简介】朱荣华,昆山市蓬朗中心小学校。  一、绘本阅读在小学英语教学中
【摘要】随着我国与国际社会的交流不断深入,英语逐渐成了人们的一项必备技能,然而传统的英语教学方式已经远远无法满足现如今的社会需求,为应对这种情况就需要牢牢把握住时代发展带来的机遇,大数据时代的到来为我国高校英语教学模式的创新工作提供了更多的选择,极大地促进了高校英语教学模式创新工作的完成。本文就现阶段我国高校英语教学存在的问题展开研究,探讨如何运用大数据技术增强英语课堂的创新性。  【关键词】大数