研讨市场经济理论 促进广州迈向现代化——广州市马列研究会“社会主义市场经济理论与实践”研讨会综述

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广州市马列主义毛泽东思想研究会不久前在从化市召开“社会主义市场经济理论与实践”研讨会.参加研讨会的有来自广州市党校系统、宣传部门、高等院校和企事业单位的理论工作者和实际工作近70人,研讨会收到论文60多篇.与会者围绕“社会主义市场经济的理论与实践”这一主题,紧密结合广州深化改革扩大开放的实践,着重从以下三个方面进行了研讨.一、关于建立现代企业制度,深化社会主义市场经济体制改革的问题与会的同志认为,党的十四届三中全会《决定》提出的建立现代企业制度的方针和政策,对于深化我国正在紧锣密鼓进行的社会主义市场经济体制改革具有重大的实践意义.首先,把建立现代企业制度确定为国有企业改革的方向,抓住了企业改革的关键.过去的改革由于没有触动企业的产权制度,因此并没有真正使企业获得生机与活力.现代企业制度 Not long ago, the Guangzhou Marxism-Leninism Mao Zedong Thought Research Society held a seminar on “Theory and Practice of Socialist Market Economy in Conghua City.” The seminar included theoretical work from Party schools in Guangzhou Municipality, propaganda departments, institutions of higher learning and enterprises and institutions Nearly 70 people actually worked and the seminar received more than 60 theses.The participants centered on the theme of “Theory and Practice of Socialist Market Economy”, closely integrated with the practice of deepening reform and opening up in Guangzhou, focusing on the following three aspects First, the discussion on establishing a modern enterprise system and deepening the reform of the socialist market economic system The comrades present at the meeting held that the guidelines and policies for establishing a modern enterprise system proposed by the “Decision” of the Third Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China The reform of the socialist market economy in our country is of great practical significance.First of all, the establishment of a modern enterprise system as the direction of state-owned enterprise reform, seize the key to the reform of the enterprise.Because the past reform did not touch the property rights of enterprises , So there is no real business vitality and vitality. Modern enterprise system degree
冬夜,我们敲响一家门,屋里一个急匆匆的男声传来:“哎,这就来!”门开了,我们看见一张早已熟悉的“顽主”和“同性恋患者”的睑,这就是张国立。 走进他的房间,沙发上、茶几上
又一番秋染莲花池。 北京六里桥畔的八一电影制片厂,刚刚宣布了中央军委主席江泽民签署的任命:王晓棠任八一厂厂长。 这是一九九二年十月。距离王晓棠入伍之日,整整四十年。