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自改革开放以来,中小企业一直活跃在我国的现实经济社会中,并且对活跃城乡经济、鼓励民众资助创业、满足社会各方面需求、促进国民经济发展起到了日益重要的作用。但是,与中小企业的蓬勃发展相不适应的是中小企业的融资环境,与大中型企业相比,中小企业的融资渠道窄,来源匮乏。作为中国经济发展中最具活力的经济组织,必须具有在整个社会资源配置中相匹配的地位,融资难一直困扰着中小企业的发展,因而本文探讨了中小企业融资方式的创新思路。 Since the reform and opening up, SMEs have been active in the real economy and society of our country and have played an increasingly important role in boosting the urban and rural economy, encouraging people to start their businesses, meeting the needs of all sectors of society, and promoting the development of the national economy. However, it is the financing environment for SMEs not suited to the thriving development of SMEs. Compared with large and medium-sized enterprises, SMEs have limited financing channels and lack of sources. As the most dynamic economic organization in China’s economic development, it must have a matching status in the allocation of resources in society as a whole. Financing difficulties have always plagued the development of SMEs. Therefore, this article explores the innovative thinking of financing for SMEs.
小脑血管母细胞瘤并非少见,多以小脑体征及高颅压症状起病,小脑血管母细胞瘤卒中罕见。现报告1例如下: 临床资料女患,15岁,中学生,住院号268687。患者于1984年2月16日中午,
患者系35岁女性,于1981年9月25日突然言语不利,某医院按“癔病性失语”治疗无效。一个月后口角歪斜、左侧肢体偏瘫,该院又按“缺血性脑血管病”治疗一个月仍无效。遂做CT 扫
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题64: e(注解)在换气不全状态时,动脉血中碳酸气分压上升,如果再有促其上升的其他因素,则可导致CO_2麻醉.有郁血性心功能不全必然引起肺循环障碍,导致肺泡的血气交换障碍,成