大力推广应用高新技术 振兴龙江经济

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一、从省情出发,认清推广高新技术振兴经济的紧迫性我省素以盛产原木、原煤、原油及粮食而闻名全国。然而,由于我省深加工产品少,重工业多,大企业多,并且多数企业还处在粗放经营阶段。除少数先进企业能采用高新技术实现集约经营外,多数工业企业设备陈旧、工艺比较落后,加之由于资金紧张,无力进行技术改造及设备更新。为使龙江经济真正走出一条经济效益稳步提高,经济速度比较实在,经济稳定协调、持续发展的路子,必须把握住开发应用高新技术,并以此为动力开发新兴“朝阳”产业,才能使我省经济向前跨出具有决定意义的一步。如果我们不采取这一战略,还是亦步亦趋跟着沿海经济比较发达省区后面爬行,势必继续落后,而且落后差距越拉越大。具体分析,情况就更加明了了。 First, from the provincial conditions, recognize the urgency of promoting high technology to revitalize the economy. The province is renowned for its abundant raw materials of logs, raw coal, crude oil and grain. However, due to our province less deep processing of products, heavy industry, large enterprises and more, and most enterprises are still in extensive operation stage. Except for a few advanced enterprises that can adopt high-tech to achieve intensive operation, most industrial enterprises have outdated equipment and relatively backward technology. In addition, due to financial constraints, they are unable to carry out technological transformation and equipment renewal. In order for the economy in Longjiang to truly emerge from a sector with steady economic growth, relatively fast economic growth, stable and coordinated economy and sustainable development, we must grasp the development and application of new and advanced technologies and use it as a driving force in the development of a new “sunrise” industry to make me The provincial economy has taken a decisive step forward. If we do not adopt this strategy, we will still follow the pace of crawling behind the more developed coastal provinces and cities. We will certainly continue to lag behind and the gap between the two countries lags behind. Specific analysis, the situation is even more clear.
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