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目前,中学语文教学得到了社会各界的观注,人们从各自的角度,凭借着自己对语文的理解,就语文教学纷纷发表看法。偏激也好,指责也罢,这无疑将对语文教学产生积极而且意义重大的影响。作为反省,它将对我国语文教学的历史和现实作出主动的批判,找出语文教学中存在的种种错误观念和弊端;作为改革,它将激励我们为语文教学建构更合理更科学的方法,使语文教学既让学生学到了知识,获得了能力,又能顺应学生的心理需要,得到他们的喜爱。然而,在目前尚未具备这种条件的情况下,把语文教学和同学读名著结合起来,让语文教学步入广阔的天地,这未尝不是一种两全其美的好方法。一则弥补了语文课的单调乏味,二则使学生进入人类精神文化的精美殿堂,使思想情感和审美都得到相应的提高。《滇池》文学月刊举办这样的研探活动,可谓有利教师,造福学生。语文是一门工具学科,语文教学就是教学生认识、理解、使用和掌握这门重要的工具。语文作为一门工 At present, the Chinese language teaching in middle schools has received attention from all walks of life. From their respective perspectives, people have expressed their opinions on Chinese language teaching with their own understanding of Chinese. Extreme or not, blame it, this will undoubtedly have an active and significant impact on language teaching. As an introspection, it will actively criticize the history and reality of Chinese language teaching in our country and identify various misconceptions and abuses in Chinese language teaching. As a reform, it will inspire us to construct more reasonable and scientific methods for Chinese language teaching. Chinese language teaching allows students to learn knowledge and acquire the ability to meet the students’ psychological needs and obtain their love. However, in the absence of such conditions at present, it is a good way to combine Chinese teaching with classmates’ reading of famous masterpieces to allow Chinese language teaching to enter a vast world. One makes up for the tedium of language classes, and the other enables students to enter the exquisite halls of human spiritual culture, so that the ideological feelings and aesthetics are all correspondingly improved. The “Dianchi” literary monthly magazine holds such research activities, which are beneficial to teachers and benefit students. Language is a tool discipline. Language teaching is an important tool for teaching students to understand, understand, use and master. Language as a worker
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如今,能依靠公式来预测的事情,越来越少了。如今,缺少安全感而闹心的事情,越来越多了。诚如我在第10期跟大家分享过的,在一个缺少安全感的时代,我们需要首先为别人营造安全感,自己才可能获得安全感。但真做起来,哪有那么容易?    宗教里的哲学  真做起来,我们会发现:在残酷的现实面前,在不确定的迷雾笼罩下,我们内心其实缺乏一个真正的心灵支撑。  于是在今年第19届恳谈会上,我们邀请了多位佛教高僧来与企
身退心未休,黄牛老而优;   余热当奉献,所为不图酬。   “傻气”诚明志,坚定跟党走;   无鞭自奋蹄,热血谱春秋。   “傻气”:指低偿甚至无偿地为老年科技社团服务的离退休人