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“永恒的女性,引领人类飞升。”歌德此句提出了人类永恒的命题——关乎大地,关乎母亲,关乎人类。双乳峰的存在,象征着母爱的博大、生命的传承。时值深秋,来到双乳峰时,已是傍晚。昂首远眺,两峰山头巍然耸立,形成一对硕大的乳房,四围丰满圆润,中间高耸坚挺,周边青色山坡缓缓而下,俨然一个静卧大地之上的少妇将丰韵的双乳袒向天地间。 “Eternal women, leading the human soaring. ” Goethe phrase proposed the eternal proposition of mankind - about the earth, about the mother, about human beings. The existence of double peaks, a symbol of maternal love broad, life heritage. Late autumn, came to double breast peak, it is evening. Peak overlooking the peaks of the two peaks stand tall, forming a pair of huge breasts, surrounded by plump mellow, towering tall in the middle of the surrounding blue hills slowly down, just like a lying on the earth above the young woman Feng Yun double breasts to the world between.
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介绍了Mo-S化合物和非活性有机钼的合成方法和性能,有机钼化合物具有良好的极压抗磨性能,可广泛应用于内燃机油和齿轮油,以减少摩擦、磨损,提高车辆的燃油经济性。 The synt
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利用差异蛋白质组的方法识别心功能衰竭大鼠心肌代谢的异常 ,以期发现新的治疗靶点。对大鼠行冠状动脉左前降支结扎 ,术后 4周 ,左心室射血分数达 4 6 .4 %± 10 .9% ,成功建