
来源 :中医药管理杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shnoonkids
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随着社会的发展,人们的生活质量逐渐提高,对生活的要求也越来越高,整形美容手术逐渐兴起。整形美容手术具有极高难度与极大风险,属于外科手术的一种,重视整形美容手术室护理管理工作至关重要。医院管理人员可以通过完善制度要求、培养护理人员的工作态度、提高护理人员的责任感、提高护理人员的临床操作技能及护理理论基础知识、增强手术室环境管理、重视护理人员与患者沟通交流,来保证手术的顺利进行,提高整形美容手术的成功率,提高医疗服务质量,提高患者满意度。整形美容手术室管理人员应重视手术室护理管理工作,切实做到以制度为要求,紧跟技术发展前沿,重视沟通交流,促进整形美容手术行业的健康、向前发展。 With the development of society, people’s quality of life gradually increased, the requirements of life are also getting higher and higher, plastic surgery gradually rising. Plastic surgery is extremely difficult and extremely risky surgery, which is a kind of surgery. It is very important to pay attention to the operation and management of plastic surgery room. Hospital managers can improve the system requirements, nurses to cultivate work attitude, improve nursing staff’s sense of responsibility, improve nursing staff’s clinical skills and nursing theory, enhance operating room environmental management, nursing staff and patients to pay attention to communication, to To ensure the smooth operation, improve the success rate of cosmetic surgery, improve the quality of medical services, improve patient satisfaction. Plastic surgery operating room management staff should pay attention to the operating room care and management work, and effectively to the system as the requirements, keep up with the forefront of technology development, emphasis on communication and exchange, and promote plastic surgery industry health and move forward.
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