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山东省临沂地区在水土保持工作中,坚持“科学技术是第一生产力”的观点,以小流域为单元,进行综合治理开发,努力提高小流域治理开发中的科技含量,促进了小流域经济的迅速发展,收到了明显的经济效益、生态效益和社会效益。 临沂地区山丘区占70%以上,由于受自然条件和人为因素的影响,水土流失十分严重。据调查,全区水土流失面积达10335.4平方公里,占山丘面积的79.4%,年土壤侵蚀总量6053.1万吨,相当于每年剥蚀 In the work of soil and water conservation in Linyi Prefecture, Shandong Province, we stick to the idea that “science and technology are the primary productive forces”. Taking the small watershed as a unit, we conducted comprehensive management and development to improve the scientific and technological content in harnessing and developing small watersheds and promoted the economic Rapid development, has received significant economic, ecological and social benefits. Linyi area hills account for more than 70%, due to natural conditions and human factors, soil erosion is very serious. According to the survey, the area of ​​soil and water loss of 10,335.4 square kilometers, accounting for 79.4% of the total area of ​​the hill, the total annual soil erosion of 6053.1 million tons, equivalent to annual erosion
(一) 水利,顾名思义,便是治水兴利。古往今来,就在这治水兴利的过程中,具有悠久历史文化的古寿春,涌现出几多可歌可泣的英雄业绩!不说楚庄王时创建的“神州第一塘”安丰塘,不
为明确昆嵛山腮扁叶蜂(Cephalcia kunyushanica)的出现与林下植物是否关联,本研究在昆嵛山林区设置的50块永久样地内,应用样圆法进行了灌草层植物调查,并基于2×2联表,应用总
The distributions of different forms of nitrogen in the surface sediments of the southern Huanghai Sea are different and affected by various factors. The conte
Three-component Ocean Bottom Seismometers, portable land stations and marine air gun seismic sources were used to carry out an onshore-offshore deep seismic pr
河南省平舆县在河道管理工作中,运用科学技术,不断提高管理水平,取得了可喜成绩,为保障人民生命财产安全和国民经济持续稳定发展起到了重大作用。 平舆县地处淮北平原,有洪