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  【关键词】新年贺词 英文版本 翻译 理想境界
  2014年最后一天,习近平发表了2015年新年贺词。习主席的新年贺词朴实,真切,耐读,可亲,具体,实在。海内外专家和媒体普遍认为习主席新年贺词贴近人民心理、回应人民关切,平实、朴素的风格让人耳目一新。中国中央电视台国际频道(CCTV International下简称CCTV)、中国国际广播电台(CRI)、外交部网站(Ministry of Foreign Affairs of PRC,下简称MFA)等媒体都同时刊登了习主席新年贺词的英文译文,下面就以上媒体的不同译文版本进行比较,与大家共同学习和体会。
  CCTV:During this past year,we have pressed ahead with our reforms with keen determination.We have cracked many hard nuts,introducing a string of major reform measures.Many of these reforms are closely intertwined with the daily lives of all our people.
  CRI:In the past year,we pushed forward reforms with strong commitment,conquered many hardships and introduced a series of important reform measures,many of which are closely associated with the interests of the general public.
  MFA:During the past year,we have pushed forward reform with strong determination,cracked many hard nuts,and introduced a string of major reform measures,many of which are closely related to the interests of the general public.
  归纳:“锐意推进改革”出现三种表达:1)pressed ahead with our reforms with keen determination; 2)pushed forward reform with strong determination; 3)pushed forward reforms with strong commitment
  “啃下了不少硬骨头”出现两种表达:cracked many hard nuts和conquered many hardships;
  “一系列”出现两种表达:a string of 和a series of;
  “密切相关”出现三中表达:1)are closely intertwined with;2)are closely associated with;3)are closely related to;
  “老百姓”出现两种表达:our people和the general public
  CCTV:We have adapted to new normals in our economic development.We have actively promoted economic and social development.Living standards have improved.
  CRI: We worked to adapt to the new normal of economic growth and actively pushed forward economic and social development,resulting in further improvement in people’s lives.
  MFA:We have adapted to the new normal of economic growth,actively promoted economic and social development,and brought about further improvement in people’s lives.
  归纳:“经济发展新常态”出现两种表达:new normals in our economic development和the new normal of economic growth;
  “推动”出现两种表达:pushed forward和promoted;
  “人民生活”出现两种表达:Living standards和people’s lives
  CCTV:On the 12th of December,Phase 1 of the central route of China’s South to North water diversion project went into operation.   CRI:On December 12,the first phase of the central route of Water Diversion Project from South to North was officially completed.
  MFA:On 12 December,the first phase of the central route of the South-North Water Diversion Project went into operation.
  归纳:“南水北调工程”出现三种译法:1)China’s South to North water diversion project; 2)Water Diversion Project; 3)the South-North Water Diversion Project;
  “正式通水”出现两种译法:went into operation 和was officially completed
  CCTV:More than 400,000 people along the route have been relocated.They have made a selfless contribution to this project.We express our respect to them and wish them happiness in their new homes.
  CRI: More than 400 thousand residents along the route were relocated.We pay our sincere tributes to them for their sacrifice,and wish them a happy life in their new homes.
  MFA:More than 400,000 people along the route have been relocated.We pay tribute to them for their selfless contribution,and wish them a happy life in their new homes.
  归纳:“向他们表示敬意”出现两种译法:pay our sincere tributes to them 和express our respect to them;
  “无私奉献” 出现两种译法:selfless contribution和 sacrifice。
  CCTV:We have enhanced our efforts to fight against corruption and punished corrupt officials with a zero-tolerance attitude.This has demonstrated our strong determination in our anti-corruption campaign.
  CRI:We stepped up our efforts in our crackdown on corruption,and severely punished corrupt officials with zero tolerance.This demonstrates that we are strongly committed to fighting against corruption and other evil forces.
  MFA:We have stepped up the fight against corruption and punished corrupt officials with a zero-tolerance attitude,which demonstrates our commitment to fighting against corruption and other evil forces.
  归纳:“加大反腐败斗争力度”出现三种译法:1)have enhanced our efforts to fight against corruption; 2)stepped up our efforts in our crackdown on corruption; 3)have stepped up the fight against corruption;
  “以零容忍的态度严惩腐败分子”出现两种译法:punished corrupt officials with a zero-tolerance attitude和severely punished corrupt officials with zero tolerance;“显示了反腐惩恶的坚定决心”出现三种译法:1)This has demonstrated our strong determination in our anti-corruption campaign.2)This demonstrates that we are strongly committed to fighting against corruption and other evil forces和3)which demonstrates our commitment to fighting against corruption and other evil forces.
  CCTV:All those involved in corruption and embezzlement will be punished or prosecuted.
  CRI:There’s absolutely no tolerance for corruption and graft.
  MFA:All those involved in corruption and embezzlement must be prosecuted and punished.
  归纳:CRI的译文属意译,CCTV 和MFA的译文属直译。
【Abstract】Issue of free translation and literal translation has long been focus of dispute among translators. In this paper, I want to study on how the translator can produce translation that faithful
【摘要】小学英语复习课一直以来是教师们感觉“无处下手,深浅不知”的教学难点。本文依托市小英优质课评比的语法专题的复习赛场所呈现出来的赛课情况,从情境的创设、话题的整合、教学过程中值得商榷的几个问题出发,对小学英语的语法复习课提出探讨,并见教于各位方家。  【关键词】语法 复习 情境 整合  一般来说,小学英语的复习课模式可以分为主题复习课和专项知识复习课两种。其中主题复习是围绕某一个话题展开的,在
【摘要】课堂导入是课堂教学中一个不可忽视的重要环节,导入的质量直接关系到授课的效果和效率。巧妙而恰当的课堂导入犹如一部好电影的序篇,能够先声夺人,吸引学生的注意力,调动学生的学习兴趣,激发他们的积极性和主动性,把学生逐步引入课堂主题。本文谨结合中职院校的学生心理特点以及本人所教授内容的特点,对英语“课堂导入”的重要性、原则和方法展开一些探讨。  【关键词】课堂导入 英语课堂 学习兴趣  一、英语课
【摘要】任务阅读是在调动学生多种语言学习感官基础上,优化阅读学习目标任务和开阔学生知识视野而形成的“任务学习、合作探究”方式。该种模式能够对课程教学过程深化和学生认知体验深入等都具有推动作用,对课程教学有效性具有深刻的影响意义。本文就高中英语任务型阅读教学的有效运用作探析,旨在阐述优化学习策略指导利于增强学生学习认知体验,提高理解感悟和语言表达综合运用能力。  【关键词】高中英语 任务阅读 有效运
【Abstract】Nowadays, the world is in the way of globalization, and people communicate with each other by using a common language—English, a universal language in the international community. Therefore,
【Abstract】In field of translation,there has long been a hot debate over the proper translation strategy chosen for the transmission of cultural contents.The two major approaches are domestication and
【摘要】随着现代化技术的快速发展及普及,网络技术广泛运用于辅助英语教学。本文结合当前高职学生英语自主学习能力现状,分析了培养高职学生英语自主学习能力的意义,并提出相应理论依据,就网络技术如何促进高职高专学生英语自主学习能力的培养进行了探讨。  【关键词】网络 高职高专 英语自主学习能力  【Abstract】With the fast development and popularization
【摘要】针对初中英语教学特点,本着让生活的源头活水激活传统的初中英语课堂这一教学原则,阐述了如何在初中英语教学中运用生活化内容。主要讨论了创造生活化情境并开展以生活化为中心的交际活动,结合教材内容,营造生活化气氛,应用生活化实践练习,培养学生综合能力等。  【关键词】初中英语课堂 生活化 创新  伴随着新课改的不断实施,教师们越来越关注教学过程中,学生的学习兴趣和学习积极性的提高。在初中英语教学过