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《现代汉语词典》将“愿景”一词解释为“所向往的前景”。愿景是方向,蕴含动力。俄国作家列夫托尔斯泰说过:“理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活。”鲜明的团队愿景,是整个团队及其成员专业发展的核心动力。名师工作室,正是以团队愿景的觉醒唤起每个成员成长的觉醒,“引渡”教师抵达人生的彼岸。生长在成都高新区的陈曦名师工作室从成立之初就开始思考并建构影响团队方向和发展定位的团队愿景。 The Dictionary of Modern Chinese interprets the word “vision” as “the future to which”. Vision is the direction, contains power. Russian writer Leo Tolstoy said: “The ideal is the light of a road. Without ideal, there is no firm direction; there is no direction, there is no life.” “The distinct team vision is the professional development of the entire team and its members The core power. Master studio, it is awakening of the vision of the team evoked the awakening of each member growth, ”extradition " teachers arrived in the other side of life. Growing up in Chengdu High-tech Zone Chen Xi teacher studio from the beginning of the establishment of thinking and construction of team direction and development orientation of the team vision.
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