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东北地区是我国近代工业起步较早的地区之一,经过建国以后特别是“一五”、“二五”时期的大规模经济建设,已基本形成了以钢铁、机械、能源、汽车、造船等重工业为主体的工业基地,奠定了中国工业化的基础,被誉为新中国的“工业摇篮”。东北老工业基地在全国经济发展中起着十分重要的作用,为国家的改革开放和现代化建设做出了历史性的重大贡献。然而改革开放以来,尤其是实行社会主义市场经济以来,由于体制性和结构性矛盾日趋明显,企业设备老化,竞争力下降,就业矛盾突出,资源性城市主导产业衰退,东北老工业基地的经济发展遇到了前所未有的困难,与沿海发达地区的差距在不断扩大。改革开放初期,辽宁省GDP是广东的2倍,而现在广东是辽宁的2倍;1980年黑龙江省的GDP与东部6省市的平均值相当,现在则不足50%,人均GDP仅是上海的1/4。因此,振兴东北老工业基地就成为当前改革过程中迫切需要解决的问题。 Northeast China is one of the regions where China's modern industry started earlier. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially after the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially the large-scale economic construction in the first five-year plan and the second five-year plan period, the steel, machinery, energy, automobiles and shipbuilding Heavy industry as the mainstay of the industrial base, laid the foundation for China's industrialization, known as the new China's “industrial cradle.” The old northeast industrial base plays a very important role in the national economic development and has made historic and significant contributions to the country's reform and opening up as well as its modernization drive. However, since the reform and opening up, especially since the implementation of the socialist market economy, due to the increasingly obvious structural and structural contradictions, the aging of equipment and competitiveness of enterprises, the prominent employment conflicts, the downturn of leading industries in resource-based cities and the economic development of northeast old industrial bases Faced with unprecedented difficulties, the gap with the developed coastal areas is constantly widening. In the initial stage of reform and opening up, Liaoning Province's GDP was twice that of Guangdong, but now it is twice as large as that of Liaoning. In 1980, the GDP of Heilongjiang Province was equivalent to the average of the six provinces and cities in the east. Now it is less than 50%, and GDP per capita is only Shanghai 1/4. Therefore, rejuvenating the northeast old industrial base has become an urgent issue to be solved in the current reform process.
(该FDAM(最终国际标准修正草案)是对ISO5167-1:1991的部分修正。这对孔板标准来说是一个重大更改。主要修正是计算孔板流出系数C的计算公式原来是stolz方程,现在改为Reader-Harris/Gallagher方程,相应附录中有关流出系数 (The FDA
该活动对于即将进入小学的大班幼儿来说很有现实意义,但我觉得该活动的重点应是幼儿分析、判断在具体情境中选择什么样的行为最安全。所以我建议作如下调整:  1.将“幼儿向交警提问”这一环节调整到活动最后,原因是一开始就让幼儿随意提问,可能会离中心议题太远。  2.调整多媒体课件的设计与使用,首先,课件的内容应该有一些因违反交通规则而造成严重后果的画面,如在马路上玩耍被车撞了,追车奔跑时摔跤了,等等,使幼
家长会结束后,我发现王某的母亲迟迟不走,等其他家长都走后,她才对我说“:李老师,我想和您聊聊,可以吗?”“当然可以。”我边点头边回答。 After the parents meeting, I fo
本文运用有限线应变理论导出了旁压试验孔壁土体剪应力的通解。并证明Palmer、Ladanyi、Baguelin、Cassan、Wroth and Windle的解为本文通解在某些特定条件下的特解。 In th
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