On the Development of Students' Intercultural Communicative Competence in College English Class

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More frequent international contacts require culture teaching to be incorporated into college English classes so as to develop students’ intercultural communicative competence. English culture is different from Chinese at linguistic and pragmatic levels and in nonverbal communication as well. To make students engage in intercultural communication successfully, teachers should first develop their “critical cultural awareness”.Meanwhile, they need to try flexible ways of culture teaching and create an authentic learning environment for the students. Opportunities should also be created for the students to communicate in the real context. Students’ autonomy to learn the language and its culture should also be nurtured. More frequent international contacts require culture teaching to be incorporated into college English classes so as to develop students’ intercultural communicative competence. English culture is different from Chinese at linguistic and pragmatic levels and in nonverbal communication as well. To make students engage in intercultural communication successfully , teachers should first develop their “critical cultural awareness ”. However, they need to try flexible ways of culture teaching and create an authentic learning environment for the students. Opportunities should also be created for the students to communicate in the real context. Students’ autonomy to learn the language and its culture should also be nurtured.
人类卵巢组织异种移植目前已广泛用于观察卵泡的发育和评估卵巢冷冻等其他相关保存女性生育能力措施的一种实验手段。有许多因素影响移植的效果, 如动物受体、卵巢组织的准备、移植后血管的形成、促性腺激素的使用等。虽然目前的研究表明, 卵巢组织异种移植技术能保护女性的生育能力、恢复卵巢内分泌和生殖功能, 但是, 由于安全和伦理的限制它目前只在实验条件下进行。本文对影响人卵巢组织异种移植的因素及近年来的研究进展
控制器官移植后的排斥反应以及治疗风湿性关节炎之类的自身免疫性疾病一直是医学科学领域的难题。传统采用一些非特异的免疫抑制剂比如激素、环孢霉素进行治疗 ,其作用有限 ,