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误服水银及各种汞制剂引起急性汞中毒,已为众所周知。但是,对于汞过敏却不太为人重视,病例报道也不多。现将我院住院病人不慎将体温计折断而引起的严重过敏一例报告如下:患者胡××,男性,28岁,住院号18169,湖北籍,干部。于1963年11月5日因肺桔核而入院,确诊为:浸润型肺结核浸润期甲上/(一)。于11月6日因用1%升汞水浸泡之体温计放于左腋下,当即出现局部发痒疼痛、烧灼感。体温计接触之皮肤出现潮红,皮疹,次日身体其它部位也有小片状的潮红和散在皮疹。经对症处理,七天消失。又于11月29日上午,在腋下测量体温时,因患者不慎将体温计折断,水银全部撒落在床铺及衣服上,当时由于疏忽而未作妥善处理,同日即感周身发痒,全身皮肤普遍出现潮红充血,且有少数散 It is well-known that acute mercury poisoning is caused by the mistreatment of mercury and various mercury preparations. However, the mercury allergy is not much attention, case reports are not many. Now in our hospital inadvertently patients will be broken thermometer caused serious allergy a case of the report is as follows: Patients Hu × ×, male, 28 years old, hospital number 18169, Hubei cadres. On November 5, 1963 admitted to the hospital because of lung orange, diagnosed as: invasive infiltration of tuberculosis A / (a). On November 6, the thermometer soaked with 1% mercury in water left on the left armpit immediately appeared local itching pain, burning sensation. The skin exposed by the thermometer appears flushing, rash, and other small parts of the body the next day there are small pieces of flushing and scattered rash. After symptomatic treatment, seven days disappeared. On the morning of November 29, when the body temperature was measured in the armpit, the thermometer was accidentally broken by the patient. All of the mercury was scattered on the bed and the clothes. At that time, due to negligence, no proper treatment was done and the whole body was itchy on the same day. Common flushing of the skin congestion, and there are few scattered
厨房里虽然很难见到老公的身影,但他在职场上拼博不容易,想关爱他,就要了解他最需要吃什么。我访问了5个聪明主妇,她们在体贴老公上都各有一套,难怪一个个 Although the kit
一、诊断问题(一)我们于3月7日赶赴现场,根据发病特点、临床表现和6日采取措施后再无续发病例等,初步认为可能是机遇性感染(Opportunistic infecfion)或中毒。当时考虑钡中
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根据1981年以来各年文献购金及藏量的统计数据,应用一无线性回归方程,对馆藏文献量进行定量分析,揭示其发展规律,预测其发展数量,并针对现存问题提出了对策。 According to