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“动员了全国的老百姓,就造成了陷敌于灭顶之灾的汪洋大海……”毛泽东同志在《论持久战》中的重要论述,为抗日战争中的人民群众动员指明了方向。动员民众,武装民众,全民抗敌,成为夺取抗战胜利的重要因素。历史的教训使我们懂得了国防动员工作关系到国家的安全和人民的福祉。因而,建国以来,在党中央、中央军委的领导下,国防动员工作被提高到国家战略的高度,经过几代人的不懈努力,形成了强大的国防动员体系。“十五”以来,在党中央、国务院、中央军委的正确领导下,我区依据国家《国防动员发展“十五”计划》,坚持以军事斗争准备为牵引,积极适应“两场”发展需要,军地各级团结奋斗,开拓进取,狠抓落实,战区国防动员建设取得了明显成效。 Mobilized all the people in the country and created an ocean full of enemies. “Comrade Mao Tse-tung’s important exposition in” Protracted Protracted War “pointed out the direction for the mobilization of the people in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Mobilizing the people, arming the people and defeating the entire people against the enemy has become an important factor in winning the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. Historical lessons have taught us that the work of national defense mobilization has a bearing on the security of the country and the well-being of its people. Therefore, since the founding of the People’s Republic, under the leadership of the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission, the work of national defense mobilization has been raised to the height of the national strategy. After several generations of unremitting efforts, a powerful national defense mobilization system has been formed. Under the correct leadership of the Party Central Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission, our district has taken the preparation of the ”15th Five-Year Plan for National Defense Mobilization Development“ Two ”development needs", all levels of the military are united in their struggle, forge ahead, and implement it with earnest efforts. The campaign to mobilize national defense in the theater has achieved remarkable results.
加拿大通信卫星组织提出要对早期“兄弟-1”国内通信卫星增补一个新系统。这个新系统是“兄弟-3”卫星。加拿大正与美国和欧洲几家公司洽商,希望在 Canadian Satellite Com
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