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一在学校教育中,运用艺术美、社会美和自然形象美对青少年学生进行教育,起着春风化雨、潜移默化的作用。美能塑造人的心灵美、语言美、行为美和体态美,是培养人的全面发展不可缺少、不可忽视的重要组成部分。 (一)美育对培养人的高尚的道德情操,陶冶人的心灵,树立正确的世界观和人生观有特殊的功能。蔡元培认为实行美育,可以“陶养吾人之感情。使有高尚纯洁之习惯,而使人我之见,利己损人之思念,以渐消沮者也。”鲁迅也说过:“美术可以辅翼道德。美术之目的,虽与道德不相符,然其力足以渊遂人之性情,崇高人之好尚,亦可以辅道德以为治。”这就是说,美育既和德育不同,又能辅助道德。美育之所以重要,因为它是德育的深 In school education, the use of artistic beauty, social beauty, and the natural image of beauty to educate young students play a role of spring rain and subtle influence. The ability of the United States to shape people’s spiritual beauty, language beauty, behavior beauty, and posture beauty is an indispensable and important part of cultivating man’s overall development. (1) Aesthetic education has a special function in cultivating people’s noble moral sentiments, instilling in people’s hearts and establishing a correct outlook on the world and outlook on life. Cai Yuanpei believes that the implementation of aesthetic education can “come on the feelings of the people who have cultivated me. The habit of being noble and pure is what makes people see me and lose one’s mind and lose one’s thoughts, and gradually fade away.” Lu Xun also said: “Art can be an auxiliary wing. Although the purpose of art is not in line with morality, its power is sufficient to trace the nature of man, to exalt the goodness of man, and to assist morality in its rule.” That is to say, aesthetic education is not only different from moral education, but also helps morality. . The reason why aesthetic education is important is because it is the depth of moral education.
如果现在有人要大科学家杨振宁拿出当年在西南联合大学的毕业证书,来证明他这个教授、博士、科学家的资格,你会不会认为不可思议?嘿,你还别不信! If you now want the great
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