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1993年12期《陕西金融、钱币研究》载林染撰文,对赤侧钱“废去虚值后尽可1当1用和应算“三官钱”的早期品”观点甚有同感。对选例二枚“…极为精美的五铢,即是赤侧五铢”和改古文句,犹感偏避而未尽意。《史记·平淮书》……一当五,赋官用非赤侧不得行。改句读为“一当五赋官,用非赤侧不得行”尚可,但解释为”通令天下只能使用赤侧钱,而不能用别钱,并非除了交赋税外,还可以用别种钱。意在强调西汉武帝元鼎二年时,即行统铸统用一当五赤侧钱。“一国两制的用钱方法于理不通”的正名,又在文中“一则官府不会让自己只收虚值的高面值钱”和“细究《平淮书》这段话,可得出以下推断”之一“…说明赤侧钱与郡国钱同期流通…”。自消其说了。对“其后二岁,赤侧钱贱,民巧法用之…”认为“此处“法”字是动词,是“取法、效法、仿效”的意思”,从而推断之三…”民就巧妙效法仿造,才又废了赤侧钱”。仿造废值仅是“法”字重要内容之一,如仅因此“用之不便,又废”,大可防微杜渐严禁私、盗铸。还应包括官用、区域、兑换价昂贬、拒用、验证,甚而“借口”等诸多因素“不便、又废。于是严禁郡国无铸钱,专今上林三官铸“谓之三官钱。三官玉铢不包括钟官赤侧钱,赤侧钱贬值后雷同郡国五铢,也随之“今天下非三官钱不得行” In 1993, the “Study of the Finance and Coin in Shaanxi” contained the article “Lin Zhai” and shared the same view on the money “after the vanity value was abolished. On the two examples of ”... very beautiful five baht, that is, the red side five baht“ and the antiquity sentences, still feel partial but not satisfied. ”Historical Records Huai Huai Book“ ... As soon as five, Fu officer with non-red side can not do. The sentence read as ”when a five-fu official, with the red side can not be okay,“ but can be explained as ”the world can only use the red side money, but can not use other money, not in addition to taxes, you can also use other species Money .Is intended to emphasize the Western Han Dynasty Emperor Yuan Ding two years, that is, the line of unification with one of five red side money. “The principle of using money in one country, two systems unreasonable” in the name of “an official will not let himself only The value of the collection of high value-added money ”and“ careful study ”Huai Huai book“ this paragraph, we can draw the following inferred ”one“ ... Description of red money and county money circulation ... ”. “Then two years of age, the red side of the money cheap, the law with the law ... ... that” the “law” here is the verb, is “to take, follow the example, follow the meaning of” and thus infer ... “ Imitate the imitation, only to waste the red side money. ”Counterfeit waste value is only one of the“ law ”an important part of the word, if only“ inconvenient, but also waste ” Officials, regions, exacerbated the exchange rate, refused to use, verify, and even “excuses” and many other factors, “inconvenience and waste. Therefore, no country has no money casting, specializing in the Shanglin three official cast ”that the three official money.Three official baht does not include Zhongguan Chi side money, after the devaluation of the red side of the same county five baht, also followed by“ Today Under the three official money can not be ”
本刊讯 据美国工程信息公司中国信息部提供的信息 ,《控制与决策》2 0 0 0年 1至 4期共有 3 1篇文章被 EI检索。被检索的文章作者及文题如下 :  第 1期 :刘 翔等 (浙江大
2000年11月四川大学图书馆举行了一年一度的以“认识图书馆、利用图书馆、建设图书馆”为主题的图书馆宣传周活动。为期一周的宣传活动是为了配合学校加强学生素质教育工作 ,让读者
2001年 3月 23日下午,中国软科学研究会在科学技术部 213会议室召开了第二届中国软科学研究会第一次理事长会议,会议由成思危理事长主持。参会人员有副理事长王治国、怀国模、
武夷山风景名胜区位于福建省武夷山市南,环延闽浙之间,方圆60公里,海拔1500米,重峦叠嶂,挺秀异样,流水婉曲,幽洁明净,是驰誉中外的风景胜地。 2100年前,武功赫赫的汉武帝就