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目的 :了解儿童首诊口腔疾病类型及影响因素。方法 :491例患儿首诊疾病分为 7大类 ,探讨牙列期、性别与首诊疾病类型的关系 ;了解少数民族和汉族家长文化层次对儿童口腔疾病首诊率的影响。结果 :因龋病而首诊的患儿以乳牙列早期为最多 ,因舌系带过短和感染首诊者以乳牙列后期最多 ,因乳牙滞留、牙颌畸形首诊者以替牙期最多 ,经卡方检验均有显著性差异 (P <0 .0 1) ;因外伤和其他疾病首诊者 ,3个牙列期无显著性差异 (P >0 .0 5 )。性别方面 ,因外伤而首诊的患儿 ,男性多于女性 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,因牙颌畸形而首诊的患儿 ,女性多于男性 (P <0 .0 5 )。家庭文化层次方面 ,家长为初中以下文化程度的患儿 ,汉族首诊率高于少数民族 (P <0 .0 1) ;家长为大专以上文化程度的患儿 ,少数民族首诊率高于汉族 (P <0 .0 1) ;家长为高中文化程度者 ,首诊率汉族和少数民族无显著差异 (P>0 .0 5 )。结论 :不同牙列期 ,儿童首诊主要疾病类型不同 ,文化层次较低的少数民族应是口腔卫生宣教的重点对象 OBJECTIVE: To understand the type and influential factors of children's first diagnosis of oral diseases. Methods: 491 cases of primary disease were divided into 7 categories, to explore the dentition, sex and the first diagnosis of the relationship between the types of diseases; understand the cultural level of ethnic minorities and Han children on the first consultation rate of oral disease in children. Results: The first diagnosis of dental decay in children with early dentition is the largest, due to the tongue system is too short and the first diagnosis of infertility patients with the most late, due to deciduous teeth, the first diagnosis of dentition deformity in dentition period (P <0.01). There was no significant difference in the three dentition stages because of the first diagnosis of trauma and other diseases (P> 0.05). In terms of sex, the number of males who were first diagnosed by trauma was more than that of females (P <0.05). There were more females than males (P <0.05). Family culture level, the parents of children with junior high school education, the first visit rate of Han is higher than that of ethnic minorities (P <0.01); parents of children with college education or above, the first visit rate of ethnic minorities is higher than Han (P <0.01). There was no significant difference between the Han nationality and ethnic minorities in the first visit of parents whose parents were of high school education (P> 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: In different dentition periods, children are the first major diseases of different types and ethnic minorities with lower cultural level should be the key target of oral health education
屠狗业说的是杀(sha)狗这个行(hang)业,在我国历(li)史(shi)上曾(ceng)经(jing)很流(liu)行(xing)。到了北宋(song)末(mo)年,有人拍(pai)属(shu)狗的皇(huang)帝 (di)赵(zhao
山东烟台,朝阳刚刚探出漆黑深邃的海面,滚滚浪涛击打着斑驳的礁石。一声嘹亮的号角响起,海军战士们精神抖擞地排成几列,坚毅的眼神中,透射出保家卫国的决心!  我的爷爷,便是这些战士中的一员。  上世纪60年代,政府来村里征兵,爷爷鼓起勇气前去应征。听他说,那时候家里穷,自己去当兵,也算是早日独立吧。于是,爷爷就成了一名海军。  爷爷退役归来,政府给他在村里小学安排了一个代课教师的职位,这对于能文善画的
目的 :探讨胶质源性神经营养因子 (GDNF)在大鼠磨牙开髓后不同时段三叉神经节中表达变化及意义。方法 :应用免疫组织化学方法比较大鼠磨牙开髓后不同时段三叉神经节中表达变
本文通过在项目实施过程中开展成本管理效能监察,探讨建筑施工企业如何有效发挥纪检监察部门的作用,使之与企业中心工作有机结合,围绕“效能链”形成“大监察”工作氛围。 I
口腔扁平苔癣 (oral lichen planus,OL P)是口腔粘膜的一种常见病 ,发病原因复杂 ,病程迁延不愈 ,临床上采用多种治疗方法治疗 ,但效果均不显著。近年来 ,我们用雷公藤片治疗
可作为骨形成蛋白(bone morphogenetic protein,Bmp)的载体材料很多,但是均存在不足之处,至今还没有发现完全理想的BMP载体,近来许多学者对现有的载体加以改进,通过复合技术将
患儿女,8岁,因上前牙区多生牙要求拔除由其父陪同就诊.检查:11、21腭侧有多生牙 ,牙冠呈圆锥形,常规检查时发现:患者有裂纹舌,呈叶脉状.