铭记历史 珍爱和平——纽约华人纪念抗战胜利专题音乐会述评暨兼谈中国音乐文化海外传播之思考

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由组约华人社团联席会、美中音乐家协会共同主办的“中国人民纪念抗日战争胜利暨世界反法西斯胜利70周年”专题音乐会及其系列活动于8月20日至9月12日隆重举行,笔者有幸应邀同来自纽约以及美国各地的华人华侨、专家学者、艺术家们会集纽约参加了此次系列活动及其各种纪念盛会。本文就参与纽约华人华侨纪念世界反法西斯战争暨中国抗日战争胜利70周年系列活动及专题音乐会有感而发,兼谈中国音乐文化海外传播之思考。 Co-sponsored by the Association of Chinese Community Associations and the American-Chinese Musicians Association, the “Chinese People Commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Anti-Japanese War and the World Anti-fascist Victory” and the series of special concerts and series of activities were held from August 20 to September 12 Was held ceremoniously, I was fortunate enough to be invited to come to New York to participate in this series of events and all kinds of commemorative events with overseas Chinese, experts, scholars and artists from New York and throughout the United States. This article is about the participation in the series of activities and concerts of the 70th anniversary of the overseas Chinese in New York City commemorating the anti-fascist war in the world and the victory of the Chinese anti-Japanese war, as well as the thinking on the overseas dissemination of Chinese music and culture.
The authors describe a newborn patient with mesenchymal hamartoma of the chest wall associated with pulmonary hypoplasia. A massive thoracic tumor was diagnosed
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