Different imaging findings of inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of the liver

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZXX198811
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Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor(IMT) in the liver is an uncommon lesion of uncertain pathogenesis.In most cases,symptomatological imaging and clinical studies suggest malignancy.We report a case of liver IMT with imaging findings from positron emission tomography/computed tomography(PET/CT),contrastenhanced computed tomography(CECT) and contrastenhanced ultrasonography(CEUS).This report was the first to depict a PET/CT scan of a liver IMT that revealed an inhomogeneous,intense(fluorine 18)-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake.The CECT and CEUS images showed a hepatic artery supplying blood to the mass and necrosis.The characteristic histopathological features and the presence of spindle cells expressing smooth muscle actin,collagen fibers and lymphocytes allowed for the diagnosis of liver IMT.Recognizing such findings will help to achieve a correct diagnosis and may prevent inappropriate treatment. Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT) in the liver is an uncommon lesion of uncertain pathogenesis. In most cases, symptomatological imaging and clinical studies suggest malignancy. We report a case of liver IMT with imaging findings from positron emission tomography / computed tomography (PET / CT ), contrastenhanced computed tomography (CECT) and contrastenhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) .This report was the first to depict a PET / CT scan of a liver IMT that revealed an inhomogeneous, intense (fluorine 18) -fluoro-2-deoxy- glucose uptake.The CECT and CEUS images showed a hepatic artery supplying blood to the mass and necrosis.The characteristic histopathological features and the presence of spindle cells expressing smooth muscle actin, collagen fibers and lymphocytes allowed for the diagnosis of liver IMT. Recognizing such findings will help to achieve a correct diagnosis and may prevent inappropriate treatment.
电影《高山下的花环》成功塑造了“雷军长”这一革命军人的光辉形象,在战争动员会上对“走后门”等不正之风怒发冲冠和听到独生子“小北京”牺牲时那种悲痛万分的情景无不令人记忆犹新,“雷军长”的生活原型就是济南军区原某野战师师长张志信。    为了祖国 爱子张立血染战场    张志信,1927年出生于山东省威海市环翠区初村镇东北村。1945年8月,他参加了东北民主联军。后加入中国共产党,立过多次战功并参加抗
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[摘要]本文主要论述了当前我国职业卫生工作管理现状与存在问题,以及其相应的解决措施,希望为相关部门的职业卫生管理工作提供借鉴参考。  [关键词]职业卫生;存在问题;措施方案  引言  我国最早提出职业卫生这一概念是在建国以后,经过几十年来发展,职业卫生问题也逐渐成为影响一个企业发展的重要因素。此外,由于职业病的隐秘性、迟发性等特点,难以引起人们的注意,一旦职业病发病,通常患者往往难以痊愈,更有甚者
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