Features of Late Cenozoic Deepwater Sedimentation in Southern Qiongdongnan Basin, Northwestern South

来源 :Journal of Earth Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Linuxy
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Based on high resolution 2D and 3D seismic data acquired in recent years, using sequence stratigraphy analysis and geophysical methods, we discuss the features of Late Cenozoic deepwater sedimentation in the southern Qiongdongnan (琼东南) basin. The study area entered a bathyal slope environment in the Miocene. The channel developed in the Sanya (三亚) Formation was controlled by a fault break, and its shingled seismic characteristics represent multiple erosion and fill, which may indi-cate that turbidite current developed in the slope environment. The polygon faults found in mudstone of the Meishan (梅山) Formation represent the deepwater hungry sedimentary environment. The large-scale channels developed on the top of Huangliu (黄流) Formation could be the result of a big sea level drop and an increase of sediment supply. The fantastic turbidite channel developed in Late Qua-ternary in the slope environment has “fan-like” body and long frontal tiny avulsion channel. The analy-sis of these features suggests that the sediment supply of the study area in the post-rifting period was dominant from the Vietnam uplift in the southwest. These deepwater sedimentary features could be potential reservoirs or migration pathways for deepwater petroleum systems. Based on high resolution 2D and 3D seismic data acquired in recent years, using sequence stratigraphy analysis and geophysical methods, we discuss the features of Late Cenozoic deepwater sedimentation in the southern Qiongdongnan basin. The study area entered a bathyal slope environment in the Miocene. The channel developed in the Sanya (Sanya) Formation was controlled by a fault break, and its shingled seismic characteristics represent multiple erosion and fill, which may indi-cate that turbidite current developed in the slope environment. The polygon faults found in The large-scale channels developed on the top of Huangliu Formation could be the result of a big sea level drop and an increase of sediment supply. The fantastic turbidite channel developed in Late Qua-ternary in the slope environment has “fan-like” body and long frontal tiny avulsion channel. The ana ly-sis of these features suggests that the sediment supply of the study area in the post-rifting period was dominant from the Vietnam uplift in the southwest. These deepwater sedimentary features could be potential reservoirs or migration pathways for deepwater petroleum systems.
2002年中国的外贸出口量创历史最好水平,同比增长20%。但对于2003年的外贸出口增速,绝大多数经济学家认为2003年要超过2002年会十分困难。 近年来,中国经济增长的一个显著特
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为探讨黏附分子与皮肤鳞状细胞癌(squamous cell carcinoma)临床病理之间的关系,我们检测了56例皮肤鳞状细胞癌和10例正常人皮肤组织中上皮性钙黏着蛋白(E-cadherin,E-cad)和CD34的表达,现将结果报道如下。
患者 女,46岁.3个月因双眼视力不清,于2004年12月4日入院,患者伴轻度头痛,月经正常,无身体肥胖,无肢端肥大,无泌乳,无抽搐及肢体无力,入院体查:血压120/65mmHg,神清,语利,双瞳孔等大等圆,光反射灵敏,双颞侧偏盲,视力左0.1,右0.08.血泌乳素823.75uIU/ml(正常值130~700uIU/ml).MRI示:鞍内及鞍上可见21mm×29mm×23mm大小稍长T1信号,其
Background. Peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) of the cervix uteri is extremely rare. Between 1987 and 2002, there have been eight cases describe
例1 女,56岁.因上腹隐痛不适5个月、加重伴进食哽噎2个月于2002年10月12日入院.查体:发育正常,浅表淋巴结无肿大,右锁骨中线第4、5肋间可见心尖搏动,闻及心音,上腹剑突下深压痛,未触及包块,肝脾未触及.上消化道钡餐:食管下段及贲门管腔狭窄,壁僵硬,不规则,可见充盈缺损区,心、胃位于右侧.胃镜:贲门处糜烂,见腺癌细胞.心电图示:窦性心律,右位心,左前分支传导阻滞.X线胸片示:心脏呈镜像,大