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基层央行在贯彻落实“八项规定”配套政策的过程中虽取得了一定成效,但仍存在一些困惑、困难,亟须探讨研究并加以改进,以确保“八项规定”配套政策的实效。为贯彻落实中央政治局关于改进工作作风、密切联系群众“八项规定”的新要求,2013年以来,上级行制定了一系列的配套政策、制度、办法。基层央行在贯彻落实“八项规定”配套政策的过程中虽取得了一定成效,但仍存在一些困惑、困难,亟须探讨研究并加以改进,以确保“八项规定”配套政策的实效。 Although grassroots central banks have achieved some success in implementing the “eight provisions” supporting policies, there are still some puzzles and difficulties. Research and improvement are urgently needed to ensure that the “eight provisions” supporting policies Effectiveness. In order to implement the new requirements set by the Political Bureau of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on improving the work style and closely contacting the masses, the “higher level government has formulated a series of supporting policies, systems and measures since 2013. Although grassroots central banks have achieved some success in implementing the ”eight provisions“ supporting policies, there are still some puzzles and difficulties. Research and improvement are urgently needed to ensure that the ”eight provisions" supporting policies Effectiveness.
波兰驻华大使基里洛克向北京人民艺术剧院的戏剧工作者祝贺“这样的时代”演出的成功. Kiriolock, Polish Ambassador to China, congratulated the dramatists of the Pek
内部结构调整是现代港口面对的重大课题@锁旭升$日照港务局!日照市276826 Internal structural adjustment is a major issue faced by the modern port @ lock Xusheng $ R
近几年,随着高速公路通车里程的增加,以高速公路客运为代表的公路客运面貌有了明显改观,高速客运以班次密、速度快、乘车方便、安全性强的特点,赢得广大旅客的信赖。 然而,
1981年植被考察时,在天台县华顶山北坡,海拔500—900米的山沟两侧,发现了面积达100余亩的我国特有残存的国家二级保护树种——浙江七子花(Heptacodium miconioidesRehd.)天
中央编译局比较政治与经济研究中心研究员、副主任杨雪冬在2009年5月11日的《北京日报》撰文:从建设创新型国家目标提出以来,创新 Yang Xuedong, researcher and deputy dir
经对国内几条重要高速公路进行调查,行驶在高速公路上的集装箱运输车辆不足集装箱车辆总数的40%,与发达国家相比,我国集装箱运输在整个公路运输中所占的比重是偏低的。 为了