Reasons for Rural Literacy in the 1950s

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  【Abstract】In the early 1950s, in order to improve the cultural quality of the whole people, develop the economy, and stabilize politics, the Central People’s Government set off a campaign to eradicate illiteracy. In the national literacy campaign, rural literacy played an irreplaceable role and achieved great Achievements.
  【Key words】rural literacy; cultural turning; development
  When the new China was established, the industry was backward and the economy developed slowly. Due to economic occlusion, the vast rural areas have experienced slow cultural development. In order to better build a new China, the government has proposed a top-down literacy campaign, on the one hand to develop the economy and to stabilize the state power; on the other hand, to meet the needs of cadres and the masses and improve their cultural level.
  1. The need to develop the economy
  The economy is the cornerstone of national development. A country has a strong economy and has a voice in the international arena. The culture of development has a positive effect on the economy, and the backward culture has a hindrance to the economy. Socialism cannot be based on a large number of illiterates. Improving the cultural level of farmers is an important condition for improving labor productivity. In order to develop the economy, rural literacy campaigns are imperative. Without advanced science and technology, there is no guarantee that the production and production plan will be realized. In order to build our good socialism and create conditions for the use of mechanization, we must improve the scientific and cultural level of the majority of our members. In order to accomplish this strategic political task, it is necessary to accelerate the work of literacy and organize a strong literacy force to jointly undertake this work.
  2. The need to stabilize the regime
  The People’s Republic of China is a socialist country based on the alliance of workers and peasants, but the vast majority of workers and peasants are illiterate, and peasants account for the majority of the total population of workers and peasants. The peasants have turned over in the economy. If they do not raise the peasants’ political consciousness, eliminate class consciousness, and ensure that the culture turns over, they will still let them stay in the banned thoughts. The peasant’s economic turn-around is difficult to consolidate. Carrying out the education of workers and peasants and improving the cultural level, political awareness and production technology of workers and peasants is an important step in strengthening and improving workers and peasants and consolidating and developing the people’s democratic dictatorship. Coupled with the establishment of the new China, the international situation is tense. Improving the cultural level of the masses is conducive to understanding the policies and specific practices of the party and the state and responding to the call of the state. Carrying out literacy culture education in rural areas and raising the peasant’s cultural level also spread the party’s ideological concepts and government decision-making, so that farmers can understand the new policies and enhance the party’s trust in the people. Therefore, in order to stabilize the political power, it is extremely important to strengthen and improve the peasant’s cultural level and ideology.   3. Meet the needs of the masses and cadres
  After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, although the peasants turned over politically and economically, they still had problems of illiteracy and writing, and they could not turn over in culture. In the old society, farmers were oppressed by landlords and capitalists and did not enjoy the right to study and receive education. Nowadays, the socialist countries with people’s democratic dictatorship are established. Farmers have taken the initiative to ask for learning, and they want to get rid of the difficult situation of illiteracy and improve their own cultural level.
  Not only do farmers want to learn, they want to get rid of the ignorance of literacy, and cadres have a stronger desire to learn culture. Before the founding of New China, cadres also had few opportunities to learn, so most grassroots cadres were also illiterate. Cadres are the link between the government and the masses. If the cadres are illiterate and cannot write, they cannot accurately convey the government’s policies and opinions to the masses, nor can they accurately reflect the demands of the masses to the government. In order to better play the role of the cadre role model, in order to improve their own cultural level, in order to better understand and convey government policies, cadres are actively participating in the study.
【摘要】网络技术的发展,促进了教学模式的改进,慕课是基于网络技术的一种教学形式,其大规模、开放性的线上课程资源,实现了教学资源的重新配置,缩短了区域性的教育差距,体现了教育的公平性。本文以《综合日语》为例,对慕课背景下教学模式的创建展开了分析。  【关键词】慕课 教学模式 创建 日语  一、引言  网络技术的发展已经对人们的工作和生活产生了巨大影响,教育作为一个特殊的行业,同样也受到了网络技术的影
【摘要】在经济全球化的大背景下,英语作为国际通用语言,应用范围十分广泛,各个用人单位也很注重应聘者的英语综合实践运用能力。本文主要针对就业导向下的中职英语教学的有效开展进行分析和思考,旨在提高中职学生的英语综合水平和素质,促进中职学生健康全面地学习和发展。  【关键词】就业导向;中职英语;教学;有效开展  【作者简介】王琦,鞍山市交通运输学校。  随着我国经济与社会的不断发展,人们的物质和生活水平
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【摘要】随着经济和科技的发展,英语已经成为一门通用的语言,受到大众的广泛重视。农村地区相对城市来讲,经济和科技都比较落后,在学生素质、师资力量和教学设备等方面和城市存在一定差距,加强对农村学生英语自主学习能力的培养,是教学改革后的重点教学内容,也是社会发展的必然需要。  【关键词】农村学生;英语自主学习能力;策略  【作者简介】周彩霞(1970.08-),女,甘肃天祝人,汉族,甘肃省武威铁路中学,
【摘要】初中英语阅读在初中英语教育中有着重要的地位,对提升学生的阅读水平以及拓宽知识面有着至关重要的作用,所以,探究提升初中英语阅读教学的策略是当下最应该重视的内容。传统英语教育模式更注重的是以教师为主导,学生在学习中是被动的,这种教育模式并不能有效地促进学生学习英语。本文主要探讨了现阶段初中英语课堂的教学方法,进而有效增强英语课堂效率。  【关键词】新形势;初中英语教学;英语阅读;教学策略  【
【摘要】口语交际能力的培养是英语学习的难点,传统课堂学习时间有限,给口语锻炼带来了诸多禁锢,而要提高口语交际能力,依靠传统的学习方法,成效也不太理想。基于英语口语的学习现状,本文以笔者的学习经验为借鉴,探讨利用智能终端提高英语口语交际能力的方法。  【关键词】智能终端;高中英语;口语交际能力;培养方法  【作者简介】周妍初,长沙市明德中学。  在英语新课标中明确提出,高中阶段的英语学习应该夯实基础
【摘要】近年来,电影字幕翻译在翻译研究领域中越来越受到人们的重视。本文从译者的“创造性叛逆”角度出发,分别探讨了语言、文化以及译者主体性在电影字幕翻译中的体现。  【关键词】《冰雪奇缘》; 字幕翻译; 创造性叛逆  【作者简介】林思思,文山学院。  一、引言  在全球经济一体化的推动下,各国之间的跨文化交流不断增强,大量的外国影视作品涌入了我国。《冰雪奇缘》作为迪士尼公司一部极具影响力的电影,上映
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