
来源 :中国青年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xxzxzzm
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2002年5月,中国共青团迎来建团80周年大庆,为此,团中央宣传部、中国青年杂志社、北京市商业银行共同举办了“‘京卡杯’共青团知识大赛”。经过认真的准备,从今年2月大赛开始到4月15日大赛截止日期,短短三个月内,大赛组委会共收到来自全国(除港、澳、台地区之外)三十多个省、市、自治区的有效答卷逾30万份。其中个人填报答题卡0.69万份,占总回收答题卡的2.3%左右;由全国各级团组织积极组织的集体填报答题卡29.3万份,占全部回收答题卡的97.7%。全国参赛的各级团组织均在两个月内出色地完成了这次大赛的组织工作,参赛团员平均参与率在95%以上。这次活动有以下几个特点: 首先,集体组织参赛的单位遍布全国各地:从广东、上海、浙江等沿海省市到新疆、西藏、青海等西部各个省份,都有不同级别、不同单位的团组织参加这次知识大赛。既反映了全国 In May 2002, the Chinese Communist Youth League ushered in the 80th anniversary of the founding of the CYL Group. To this end, the CYL Central Propaganda Department, the China Youth Magazine and the Beijing Commercial Bank jointly organized the CYL Knowledge Club. After careful preparation, from February this year, competition began to April 15 deadline for the competition, within just three months, the organizing committee received a total from the country (except Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) more than thirty Provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, more than 300,000 copies of valid responses. Among them, 6,600 answer sheets were reported by individuals, accounting for about 2.3% of the total answer sheet cards; 293,000 were submitted by collective organizations at all levels, accounting for 97.7% of the total answer sheet. Organizations at all levels throughout the country are well organized within two months to complete the organization of the contest, participating members of the average participation rate of 95% or more. The event has the following features: Firstly, the units that participate in the collective organization are all over the country: from the provinces and cities of Guangdong, Shanghai and Zhejiang to the western provinces of Xinjiang, Tibet and Qinghai, there are groups of different levels and units Organize to participate in this knowledge contest. Both reflect the country
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