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随着人们观念的改变,一部分人对一度是神秘禁区的“性”问题也有了新的认识,性用品商店应运而生。近两年京城开办了一些性保健品商店。商场、药店中也开设了性保健品专柜。但由于国家对保健品没有统一的管理,对性用品则更没有统一管理,性保健用品一时鱼龙混杂,良莠不齐。为规范性保健品市场,保障人民群众身心健康,北京市商委、计生委、卫生局、医药总公司、工商局、公安局曾联合发出《关于清理整顿非医疗、非计划生育用性用品的通知》。北京东城工商局检查人员对辖区内经营性保健品的商店散发性保健品印刷广告和经营情况进行了检查。 As people’s concept changes, some people have also got a new understanding of the “sex” issue that was once a mysterious forbidden zone, and the sex shop has emerged. In the past two years, Beijing opened some health products stores. Shopping malls, pharmacies also opened a sexual health products counters. However, due to the fact that the state does not have uniform management of the health care products and there is even no unified management of the sex products, sexual health products have been mixed together for a long time, which is mixed. In order to standardize the market for health care products and ensure the people’s physical and mental health, the Beijing Municipal Commission of Commerce, Family Planning Commission, Health Bureau, Pharmaceutical Corporation, Industry and Commerce Bureau and Public Security Bureau jointly issued the Circular on Clearing up and Reorganizing Non-Medical and Non- Notice". Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of Beijing Dongcheng Administration of Industry and Commerce conducted inspections on the advertisements and management of sporadic health products printed on the shops of operating health products in its jurisdiction.
在中国科学技术协会的主持下,组织了中国航海学会,中国公路学会、中国铁道学会和中国造船工程学会60多位专家、学者、经 Under the auspices of China Association for Scienc
玩是儿童的天性 ,然而 ,天真的儿童还玩出了不少发明创造 ,为人类的进步作出了伟大的贡献。1816年 ,法国巴黎的市郊 ,有一群孩子正围着一堆木头玩耍。由一个人用大铁钉在木头的一
Comparing with that of low-calcium fly ash (LF) or fly dreg (FD), chemical content of high-calcium fly ash (HF) waves more much. Coarse grain, which existing in
乖乖兔和胖小猪躺在草地上谈天,谈着谈着,他们说:“看海去吧,海一定是大大的,蓝蓝的!” 当太阳刚刚升起,乖乖兔就背着一个大大的旅行包来敲胖小猪的门:“胖小猪,我们出发吧!
面对价格战,“不战而屈人之兵”固然是上上的选择,面以牙还牙、针锋相对有时也未必就是下策。远离“战争”最终还是靠观念的升华——变“分蛋糕”为“做蛋糕” In the face of