
来源 :项目管理技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq669783
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评选宗旨评选自2003年以来在中国项目管理培训,教育与咨询服务中取得卓越成绩的先进机构和个人,以推动中国项目管理更好更快的发展。评选准则1.评选活动遵循“公开、公平、公正”的原则,采取主动参与和专家评审相结合的办法。2.本次评选面向全国具有三年以上项目管理培训与咨询或相关从业经验并取得成效的机构和个人。3.本次评选的最终解释权归主办方所有。 The purpose of the selection is to select advanced institutions and individuals who have achieved outstanding results in project management training, education and consulting services in China since 2003 in order to promote better and faster development of project management in China. Selection criteria 1. Selection activities follow the “open, fair and equitable” principle, take the initiative to participate in the combination with the expert review. 2. The selection for the country has more than three years of project management training and consulting or related business experience and the effectiveness of institutions and individuals. 3. The final interpretation of this selection belongs to the organizers.
我院自1991~1995年收治甲状腺功能减退症(甲减)38例,其中16例合并甲减性心包积液,对这类患者血T_3、T_4、TSH及总胆固醇的变化,以及对心包积液形成的影响,现分析如下。 1 临
患女 ,2 8岁。以间歇性黑便 5年 ,加重伴头昏、乏力 1年之主诉入院。 5年前无明显诱因出现黑便 ,伴有脐周隐痛 ,无恶心、呕吐 ,症状每 3~ 6月出现一次 ,均可自行缓解 ,与月经
政治顶级腐败及其成因初探彭新华 李白木 (1- 30 )………………………………………………………………科技优势与美国霸权戴 硕 刘海军 (1- 5 6 )……………………………
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