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马克思的《法兰西内战》蕴含丰富的关于构建廉价政府的思想,这对于今天处在社会主义初级阶段的我国仍具有较大的借鉴意义。试从马克思关于“廉价政府”的基本内涵出发,进而就中国历届领导集体对廉价政府的实践探索进行梳理。对照马克思当年的廉价政府设想,我们可以看出,马克思关于构建精简、节约的政府,构建既无官僚特权又无腐败的政府,构建既民主又为民服务的政府的思想,虽然没有作系统地研究和阐述,但抓住了廉价政府的实质和关键。对照这些思想,在历史总结与反思中,我们可以获得一些现实启示。我们应该注重政府职能之改变,推动政府机构之改革,以期建成高效、精简的廉价政府;从制度因素着眼,从根源上杜绝腐败现象的滋生,建立建成真正的廉洁、廉价政府;究其实质而言,民主是实现廉价政府的基本前提和有力保证。 Marx’s “French Civil War” contains a wealth of ideas on the construction of a cheap government, which is still of great reference to our country today in the primary stage of socialism. Trying to start from Marx’s basic connotation of “cheap government ”, and combing the practice of exploring the cheap government by all previous Chinese leaders. In contrast to Marx’s cheap government assumption of the year, we can see that Marx’s thinking on building a streamlined and economically-conserving government, building a government without any bureaucracy privileges and corruption, and building a government that is both democratic and serving the people, though not systematically Research and elaboration, but seize the essence and key of cheap government. In contrast with these ideas, we can obtain some realistic enlightenment in the historical summary and reflection. We should pay attention to the change of government functions and promote the reform of government agencies with a view to establishing an efficient and streamlined government at a low cost. We should root out the institutional factors, eliminate the root causes of corruption and establish a truly honest and cheap government. Saying that democracy is the basic premise and a strong guarantee for the realization of a cheap government.
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