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今年是我省全面推进新阶段扶贫开发的重要一年。省委《关于加大新阶段扶贫开发工作力度的决定》确定了以100个一类扶贫重点乡镇为重点,搞好分类指导的工作思路,要求相对集中人力、物力,财力,采取综合措施,坚决啃“硬骨头”。坚持以极贫人口为主要对象,以解决温饱和抑制返贫为主要目标,完善扶贫开发工作机制,争取有更多的群众越过温饱线,努力减少返贫人口。 惠水县摆榜乡作为全省一类贫困乡,是省委书记钱运录的扶贫联系点。两年多来,运录同志多次深入摆榜乡实地调研,与各级干部共同研讨该乡的脱贫致富大计。通过调研,钱书记明确提出,扶贫开发必须从解决贫困群众的基本生存条件、基本增收门路、基本素质入手,突出抓好贫困乡村的路、水、电、沼气、教育、卫生等方面的建设,抓好种植业、养殖业,狠抓各项扶贫措施的落实,努力增强贫困地区自我发展能力。 经过两年多的努力,摆榜乡的农民人均收入已从昔日的400多元增至去年的723元,今年有望突破900元。摆榜乡的扶贫开发之路和所取得的成绩,更加坚定了我们解决全省300万贫困人口温饱问题的信心和决心。 This year is an important year for our province to comprehensively promote poverty alleviation and development in the new phase. The Decision of the Provincial Party Committee on Enhancing Poverty Alleviation and Development in the New Stage has set a working guideline of focusing on 100 categories of poverty alleviation and key townships and towns and improving classified guidance. It requires relatively concentrated manpower, material resources and financial resources to take comprehensive measures and resolutely Chewing “hard bones.” Adhere to the extremely poor population as the main target, to solve the food and clothing and inhibit the return of poverty as the main goal, improve the work mechanism of poverty alleviation and development, strive for more masses across the food and clothing line, and strive to reduce the return of the poor population. Huishui County, as a sort of poor township, is the province’s party secretary Qian Yunlu’s poverty alleviation point of contact. Over the past two years, Comrade Yun Baishi has conducted in-depth investigations and studies in the townships and townships and conducted discussions with the cadres at all levels on the plans to get rid of poverty and prosperity in the township. Through investigation and study, Qian Shuji explicitly pointed out that poverty alleviation and development must start with solving the basic living conditions for impoverished people, basically increasing their income and basic quality, and give prominence to the construction of roads, water, electricity, methane, education and public health in poor rural areas, Do a good job planting, aquaculture industry, pay close attention to the implementation of all poverty alleviation measures, and strive to enhance self-development capacity of poor areas. After more than two years of hard work, the average per-capita income of peasants in the cities on the list has risen from over 400 yuan in the past to 723 yuan last year and is expected to exceed 900 yuan this year. The road to poverty alleviation and development and the achievements we have made in setting an example for this project have further strengthened our confidence and determination in solving the problem of food and clothing for 3 million poor people in the province.
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