
来源 :考试(教研版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liganggg1
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近几年在物理试题中常出现一些含有诗词的题目,看后让人耳目一新。这种考题融入了我们民族的文化,改变了物理考试的传统风格,把感性认知与理性思考融为一体,显示出中国物理的特色。如果在教学时把物理知识同诗歌结合起来,一定也会让物理教学内容充满诗情画意,不仅可以丰富物理教学内容,而且能使物理课更加生动有趣,从而促进学科整合,提高学生综合素质,培养学生的想象力和创新意识。 In recent years there are often some problems in the physical examination questions that contain poetry, look after people refreshing. This exam incorporates the culture of our nation, changes the traditional style of physical examination, integrates perceptual and rational thinking, and shows the characteristics of Chinese physics. If we combine physical knowledge with poetry in teaching, we must also make the content of physics teaching poetic and not only enrich the content of physics teaching, but also make the physics class more vivid and interesting so as to promote the integration of disciplines, improve the overall quality of students and students Imagination and sense of innovation.
粉红色的小盆是洗脸的,天蓝色的小盆是洗脚的,牙 杯上可爱的小牛是小小陶的最爱。我在这些容器里都放好 了温热的清水,然后,小小陶进来了。 习惯性的,我在小小陶胸前围上干毛
根据多年从事试验工作的实践,就如何提高试验室质量控制要素,进行了初步探讨。 According to many years of experimental work, how to improve the laboratory quality co
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新课程理念要求做到学生是数学学习的主人,教师应改变传统的教学方式,以学生主体性的发挥为核心来设计教学环节,全面提高课堂教学效率。 The concept of the new curriculum
随着生活水平的不断提高,人们对当前居住环境的装饰也提出了更高的要求,室内装饰的设计元素必须不断推陈出新以适应人们的需要。 With the continuous improvement of livin
实践证明 积极 快乐 愉悦的心境会激发 , 、 、学生学习的主动性 消极的情感则会削弱学生 ,学习的动机 忧郁 恐惧 担心 没有兴趣的心 ,、 、 、境则会分散注意力 正
This paper discusses the collapse mode of thin reinforced concrete (RC) plates sub-jected to blast load. To extend the well known plastic-mode method to analyze