Design of guided mode resonant filters for authentication applications through azimuthal angles vary

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xicai2009
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Guided mode resonant filters(GMRFs)for authentication application with low sideband reflection at 0°and 90°azimuthal angles were designed.Using rigorous coupled-wave analysis,the diffractive character- isties of this kind device with different illumination angles,groove depths,and thicknesses of cover SiO_2 layer were investigated.The structure of GMRF which satisfies the requirements for authentication appli- cations was obtained.Illuminated at 30°for a definite polarization mode,the filter presents symmetrical reflectance shape,low sideband reflectance,two separate reflectance peaks,and definite full-width at half- maximum(FWHM)at 0°and 90°azimuthal angles. Guided mode resonant filters (GMRFs) for authentication application with low sideband reflection at 0 ° and 90 ° azimuthal angles were designed. Using rigorous coupled-wave analysis, the diffractive character-isties of this kind device with different illumination angles, groove depths, and thicknesses of cover SiO 2 layer were investigated. The structure of GMRF which satisfies the requirements for authentication appli- cations was obtained.Illuminated at 30 ° for a definite polarization mode, the filter presents symmetrical reflectance shape, low sideband reflectance, two separate reflectance peaks, and definite full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) at 0 ° and 90 ° azimuthal angles.
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