Karyotypic analysis of intersexuality in Chinese from Taiyuan

来源 :Asian Journal of Andrology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fox542
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Aim: To analyze the kayrotypic patterns of 33 cases of intersexuality in Chinese from Taiyuan, China in order tofurther clarify its mechanism of development and the interrelationship between karyotype and phenotypic sex. Meth-ods: High-resolution GTG-banding chromosome technique was used to analyze the karyotype patterns. Results:In these patients, 57.58% were male pseudohermaphrodites (46, XY), 18.18%, female pseudohermaphrodites (46,XX), 12.12%, true hemaphrodites, and 12.12%, other karyotypes, Although testes can be seen in 88.8% of kary-otypes with Y chromosome, 73.68% of the patients were of female social sex. In 42.82% of patients the social sex isin conformity with their karyotypes. There were 2 cases of male pseudohennaphrodites, where the sex chromosome wasnormal, but abnormalities were found in chromosomes 9, 13, or 14. Conclusion: Sex chromosomes determine thedirection of gonadal and sex differentiation, while the development of the normal gonad and extemal genitalia shouldhave the participat Aim: To analyze the kayrotypic patterns of 33 cases of intersexuality in Chinese from Taiyuan, China in order tofurther clarify its mechanism of development and the interrelationship between karyotype and phenotypic sex. Meth ods: High-resolution GTG-banding chromosome technique was used to Analysis of the karyotype patterns. Results: In these patients, 57.58% were male pseudohermaphrodites (46, XY), 18.18%, female pseudohermaphrodites (46, XX), 12.12%, true hemaphrodites, and 12.12% other karyotypes, seen in 88.8% of kary-otypes with Y chromosome, 73.68% of the patients were of female social sex. In 42.82% of patients the social sex isin conformity with their karyotypes. There were 2 cases of male pseudohennaphrodites, where the sex chromosome wasnormal , but abnormalities were found in chromosomes 9, 13, or 14. Conclusion: Sex chromosomes determine the orientation of gonadal and sex differentiation, while the development of the normal gonad and extemal genitalia shouldh ave the participat
目的 :观察妊娠肝内胆汁瘀积症对妊娠中晚期的影响。结果 :32 2例临床资料表明 ,可使妊娠期贫血、产后出血、羊水污染、围生儿死亡的发生率明显高于正常对照组孕妇。结论 :病
1 病例报告 患者 ,女 ,2 5岁 .末次月经 1999- 0 1- 2 0 ,患者于1999- 0 3- 10主因停经 49d,阴道流血 7d,腹痛 5 h就诊 ,诊断为“宫外孕”.急诊行剖腹探查术 ,术中见右侧输
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