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2003年9月25日至27日,亚欧基金会博物馆协会上海会议在上海博物馆召开,会议的主题是“亚欧会议:文化遗产共享的展示”。成立于1997年的亚欧基金会由亚欧会议成员组织而成,在为促进欧亚两大地域间文化的提升、知识的对话和人与人的交流等方面发挥了举足轻重的作用。基金会还同时致力于在亚欧地区构建起组织与组织、个人与个人之间的紧密联系,以实现地区一体化为理想目标。基金会目前有25个成员国,各成员国之间坦诚沟通、通力合作,为推进亚欧地区的协调发展做出了卓有成效的贡献。此次上海会议是亚欧基金会博物馆协会在中国举办的第 From September 25 to 27, 2003, the Shanghai-Asia Museum Museum Association Asia Conference was held in Shanghai Museum. The theme of the conference was “ASEM: Display of Cultural Heritage Sharing.” Founded in 1997, the Asia-Europe Foundation, formed by the ASEM member organizations, has played a pivotal role in promoting cultural advancement, knowledge dialogue and people-to-people exchanges between the two major regions in Europe and Asia. At the same time, the Foundation is also committed to building up close ties between organizations and organizations, individuals and individuals in the Asia-Europe region and achieving the desired goal of regional integration. At present, the Foundation has 25 member countries and frank communication and cooperation among all member countries. It has made fruitful contributions to promoting the coordinated development of Asia and Europe. The Shanghai conference is the first of the Asia-Europe Museum Association held in China
近年来内地学者在世界著名期刊Nature和Science发表的学术论文数量呈上升趋势 ,反映出我国整体科技水平的提高。1 994—2 0 0 2年内地学者共发表第一作者论文83篇 ,其中以地
采用六种直接关系图类(DRG)方法对包含253个物种和1542个反应的Aramco Mech 1.3机理进行简化,并通过对所得到的六种简化机理取交集,最终得到包含81个物种和497个反应的框架机
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。历史名山——王屋山秋景@姚晓东 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. F
The three-dimensional holographic vector of atomic interaction field(3D-Ho VAIF) is used to characterize the molecular structures of 45 nitroaromatic compounds.
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。赏秋翠华山@杨广虎 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Appreciate Qi