Opinions on how to effectively control urban white pollution

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  With the development of industry and economy, environmental problems are becoming more and more serious in China. Trees were cut down, the rivers were heavily polluted, and the air is flooded with car exhaust. Moreover, wherever we go today, the city is littered with random plastic rubbish. White pollution has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to human’s existence.
  We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve it.
  1. What is urban white pollution
  With the remarkable improvement of peoples living standard, people tend to buy more goods. In order to meet this demand, disposable foam boxes, plastic bags, chopsticks began to frequently enter people’s daily life. These easy-to-use, low-cost packaging materials brought a lot of convenience to people’s life. However, they are often threw around after use and caused white pollution.
  2. Negative effects of white pollution
  The main hazards of white pollution are “visual pollution” and “potential hazards”:
  Firstly, visual pollution. In our cities, especially in those commercial and tourist areas, scattered waste plastic packages give people poor visual stimulation, which not only do harm to the environment, but also affect the overall beauty of cities and scenic spots, giving people the impression that the city is dirty.
  Secondly, potential hazards. As we all known, plastic bags are non-biodegradable material and it will stay in the soil for a long time, and the poison released from them will cause potential harm to the ecological environment. For example, plastic landfill treatment can encroach on too much land; plastics and scraps of paper will pollute the air when they were burned; floating plastic bags, bottles, boxes not only pollute the water, but also kill animals that eat them; what’s worse, white garbage is almost combustible, fire accidents are likely to occur in the case of open fire, causing great losses to human beings. Meanwhile, white rubbish could become a nest for harmful pests, such as mice, mosquitoes and flies, which could lead to more infectious diseases.
  3. White pollution countermeasures
  The prevention and control of white pollution in our country should follow the principles of “taking propaganda and education as the forerunner, strengthening management as the core, recycling as the main means, and substitute products as supplementary measures”. So the government, administrative department, communities, schools, enterprises and citizens must make joint efforts to deal with it.   Firstly, the government needs to enact and promulgate more laws and regulations on white pollution, and clarify the obligations and legal responsibilities of producers, sellers and consumers to recycle and use waste plastic packaging. All supermarkets, shopping malls and market markets are prohibited from using disposable and non-degradable plastic packages free of charge. Secondly, the government must force citizens to recycle and reuse clean waste plastic packages for oil refining, paint making, construction materials and so on. It not only can avoid visual pollution, but also can solve the problem of causing potential hazards, relieving the pressure of resources, lightening the load of solid waste disposal, and obtaining certain economic benefits.
  Secondly, the administrative department should strengthen the management according to law, urge the enterprises such as tourism, hotel, catering, retailing to collect and dispose of the waste plastic packaging properly, and change the phenomenon that no one is responsible for the throwing of the white rubbish. At the same time, they should strictly supervise and manage those irresponsible enterprises, punishe them if necessary, in order to urge them to pay for their own bad behavior.
  Thirdly, communities and schools should strengthen propaganda and education, improve people’s understanding of white pollution and its harm, guide citizens to form good living habits and environmental consciousness, so that the whole society can actively participate in the environmental protection and resist the bad behavior around them.
  Fourthly, enterprises should take responsibility actively. As we all know, what is more important to prevent white pollution is to solve the deep harm of waste plastic packaging to the ecological environment. This requires enterprises to make efforts to reduce the production of waste plastic packaging, recycle waste plastic packaging and strengthen the research and development of alternative packaging products.
  Last but not the least, as high school students we should actively pay attention to the environment, consciously raise our own awareness of environmental protection, actively take responsibility and obligation to protect the urban environment, stop littering from ourselves, and bravely fight against the bad behavior around us, so that to make our own contribution to the prevention and control of urban white pollution.
【摘要】在新课程改革不断深入发展的社会背景下,初中英语教师应当紧密结合自己教学评价存在的问题和不足,通过评价主体多元化、评价方式多元化、评价内容多元化的改革方式,促进初中英语教学评价效果的提升。  【关键词】初中英语;教学评价;现状;对策  【作者简介】邹纯海,贵州省罗甸县木引镇木引中学。  教学评价是课堂教学的重要组成部分,是实现课程目标的基础和保障。有效的教学评价,能够让教师从多方面、多维度受
【摘要】英语是一门国际通过的交流语言,也是二十一世纪综合型人才的必备能力之一。学好英语还能帮助学生取得良好的高考英语成绩,获取更好的发展机会,教师应注重高中英语教学。本文从教学实际出发,提出了分层教学法在高中英语教学种的应用策略。  【关键词】高中英语;分成教学;教学策略  在高中英语教学中,教师担负着提升学生英语成绩,备战高考的重任,很多教师都认识到学生之间能力差距较大,需要区别教育才能最大程度
【摘要】随着“互联网 ”时代的来临,传统教学模式必须经历改革和创新,基于微信平台进行中职英语课外作业的推送应运而生。文章在分析传统中职英语课外作业现状的基础上,阐述了基于微信平台中职英语课外作业设计的可行性和优越性,并指出其必须正视的问题,为中职英语的课外学习展示了一条可行之路。  【关键词】微信;课外作业;英语;APP  【作者简介】吴秋芳,常熟市滨江职业技术学校。  微信是腾讯公司于2011年
【摘要】初中英语作为一门语言工具类学科,一直以来都是教学的难点课程,它要求学生掌握较多的词汇量,能够清晰地进行语言表达。受制于传统教学理念的制约,初中英语阅读教学还存在诸多问题,尤其是阅读课程学习难以把握住核心要点,不利于培养学生的学科素养。针对这样的现象,初中英语阅读课教学 必须不断革新,通过科学的方法实施教学,让学生的英语综合水平得到提高。  【关键词】初中;英语阅读;课程教学;学科素养;培养
【摘要】进行阅读活动不只是感觉体会阅读中的字词句子,而且要掌握到阅读材料的情感和核心。所以,想要使英语阅读授课效率提升,就要解决英语阅读授课时情感目标不足,忽视情感目标,忽视情感素材作用的问题,促使在英语授课时情感感染的积极作用充分展露。  【关键词】英语教学;阅读教学;情感教育  【作者简介】李玉锭,江苏省苏州市相城区黄桥中学。  三维目标(KAPO)中情感教育是其中一部分,初中时期作为重要的情
【摘要】无论考试还是现实生活都对学生的英语阅读能力有较高的要求,也是英语新目标对教学的最高要求,更是学生英语能力的综合体现。受囿于农村学校的客观条件及学生的自身素养,农村孩子的阅读习惯未得到有效培养。文章尝试用新的教学媒介及教学方式,通过课堂传授学生有效阅读策略,并布置合适的课外阅读任务追踪指导,帮助学生克服阅读障碍,注重阅读习惯的培养,逐步提高学生的英语阅读能力。  【关键词】农村中学生;英语课
【摘要】音译是引入外来词最重要的方法之一。近年来,随着不同文化背景的语言之间日益频繁的接触,我国的音译词出现了“一国三译”的现象。本文通过分析研究大量例证,探究了中国大陆、香港以及台湾在汉语音译词的选字问题上所折射出的不同文化价值取向。  【关键词】音译词;选字;文化价值取向  随着改革开放的不断深入,我国社会的各个方面都发生了极大的变化。政治的开明、经济的发展、贸易的往来促进了语言的接触与文化的
【摘要】本文作者通过对非英语专业大学生日常学习英语单词的经验来探究当代大学生学习英语的方法和策略,以及不同的学习策略和阅读技巧对英语学习的影响。很多学生在进行英语学习的时候都会遇到这样的困扰:时间花费足够,但却记不住单词,本文通过分析学习过程中存在的问题,来提出相关的学习建议。  【关键词】非英语专业;大学生学习;英语词汇  前言  英语词汇可以说是英语学习中最基础的一部分,不论语法理解得多么透彻
【摘要】通识教育在实现大学英语教育人文性方面发挥着独特的作用。大学英语通识教育应当从人文等多方面多维度不断拓展教学思路,应当把通识教育理念具体化,理论联系实践,把通识教育理念充分应用到大学英语教学当中去。把通识化教育和英语教学结合起来,不仅可以扩大同学们的英语知识量,还可以提高同学们的英语学习效率。  【关键词】大学英语;通识教育;教学  【作者简介】黄成,哈尔滨剑桥学院。  一、引言  目前,大
【摘要】高效课堂是当下课堂的主流,尤其是在高中英语教学中,需要在有限的时间里高效完成教学任务。但就目前而言,多数高中生由于缺乏课堂自信心,导致对英语的学习兴趣不够,从而影响了高中英语课堂效率,为此如何在有限的课堂时间里较高水准地完成英语教学任务成了高中教师急需解决的一大难题。为此,本文着重探讨对高中学科基础薄弱学生的课堂自信心培养。  【关键词】高中英语;基础薄弱;课堂自信心  【作者简介】韩得余