The Book of Songs “Like a boat of cypress wood”

来源 :校园英语·月末 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdongjiang
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  “Like a boat of cypress wood” describes a woman with a strong personality who was defamed by the group and was neglected by her husband. She expressed her sadness and showed her determination to be unyielding.Yu Pingbo called it“sentimental,gentle,Resentment without anger,” and it also reflects the gentle and beauty of the Book of Songs.
  There are five chapters in the poem “Like a boat of cypress wood”,Each chapter consists of six sentences.The first chapter “it floats about , that boat of cypress wood ; it floats about on the current .”the woman’s loss of no sustenance, life experience of the floating euphemism to talk out with a boat of cypress wood in the floating water.After the ancient woman married, she was attached to her husband and her status was attached. Once she was abandoned by her husband, she returned to her family and lived in misery. Because she knew the consequences of her loss, she was “disturbed am i and sleepless,as if suffering from a painful wound .” and could not sleep all night. As if there were deep sorrow in my heart. “it is not because i have no wine,and that i might not wander and saunder about.” Some scholars believe that it is a hypothetical word for drinking and traveling, because ancient women can not travel, but I think that ancient women can not travel without drinking.Summarizing this chapter, the word “hidden worry” can be summarized.
  The second chapter mainly writes the grievance in the heart no one confides, no one for their own sad heart.“My mind is not a mirror;It cannot reflect things.”The protagonist uses the mirror as a metaphor here to show that his heart is not like a mirror. He can be installed regardless of beauty and ugliness, indicating that the protagonist is a principled and rigid woman. However, in the view of the ancients, the woman should be obedient. The heroine was insulted and framed by the public. No matter what the reason is, it is caused by the disharmony of the family. Therefore, it is inevitable that she should fall out of favor.“though I have brothers,I cannot depend on them.I come and tell to them mysorrows,But they accept me withtheir anger.”She cried to her brother. His brother was angry with her. Her loved ones were so indifferent that her inner grievances could not be complained of. But even in this isolated situation, he still does not yield and is unwilling to submit to this.
  The third chapter, she introspect herself, in fact, no fault, and the heart is strong.“my mind is not a stone;it cannot be rolled mind is not a mat ;it cannot be rolled deportment has been dignified and good,with nothing wrong which can be pointed out .”The ownership of the “stone” and “mat” self-comparison, indicating that the heart is sincere, can not be pushed around, a proud and unyielding image of a noble woman jumped on the paper.Unfortunately, ancient people believed that women should not be jealous. None of the heroines in “Bozhou” could accommodate her husband and could not understand the truth that “the depth of love is the depth of love.”   In the fourth chapter, the protagonist specifically described the pain he suffered:“my anxious heart is full of trouble;i am hated by the herd of mean creatures;”concubine slandered and provoked me to lose my favor. The insult I received was too deep and I was only able to relieve the pain.The concubines were full of mischief, so the hostess was framed and insulted.“i meet with many distresses;i receive insults not a few.”Such a strong woman, she was humiliated, arguing with the concubines, or dismissive? There is no detail, only action describe:“silently i think of my case ,and , starting as from sleep , i beat my breast.”After the woman wakes up and remembers her own experience, she feels that the protagonist is always troubled by this matter.
  In the last chapter, “there are the sun and moon,how is it that the former has become small, and not the latter?”there are different opinions on the sun and the moon. One said that the sun and the moon are dark in society and the king is faint. Obviously, this is an interpretation of the theory of “benevolence does not meet”. From the most primitive meaning of the poem itself, it is more appropriate to explain the meaning of the sun and the moon to the husband. The ancient woman took the husband as the sky. The two poems complained that her husband had only listened to the defamation of the concubines and alienated her. “My husband, you are like the sun and the moon in my life. Why was it slandered, black and white, and abandoned me? I will not see the sun and the moon in the days to come, and will live in darkness forever. ”“the sorrow cleaves to my heart,like an unwashed dress.”The ratio of raccoon clothing is clever, and the troubles of the heart are not washed. It is like washing a dirty clothes.“silently i think of my case,but i cannot spread my wings and fly away.”Although I face such a dilemma, but still do not yield to fate, want to break free from the shackles, but as a woman, it is impossible to get out of this painful situation, the last sentence issued such resentment, let people move.
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