An Overall Reform and Opening Program of China's Insurance Industry

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Wu Dingfu, President of China Insurance Supervisory Commisson has announced that China’s insurance industry will be reformed focusing on the restructuring the present system of state-owned insurance companies into a shareholding system. And more efforts will be put on the promotion of the market-oriented mechanism, and continuation of further opening to the outside world, regulation of structures, intensification and improvement of insurance supervision and control in a bid to prevent Wu Dingfu, President of China Insurance Supervisory Commisson has announced that China’s insurance industry will be reformed focusing on the restructuring the present system of state-owned insurance companies into a shareholding system. And more efforts will be put on the promotion of the market-oriented mechanism, and continuation of further opening to the outside world, regulation of structures, intensification and improvement of insurance supervision and control in a bid to prevent
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目的本文研究了活性炭盒法测氡采样过程在炭盒吸附面增设滤膜、改变吸附面朝向等因素对测量结果的影响,为该方法应用于矿井高湿、高粉尘环境氡浓度检测提供技术支持。方法按照实验方案布置活性炭盒,到吸附时间后盖上密封盖称重,放置5 h后用HD-2001型低本底γ能谱仪测试氡浓度。用RAD7氡浓度检测仪同步检测测试间氡浓度,以便于对测量结果进行比较。结果活性炭盒吸附面朝上或朝下测得空气中氡浓度分别为(227.2