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APEC会议的绚丽烟花刚为江西花炮增荣──普京称赞这是“中国人送给世男的美好礼物”,发生在2001年倒数第二天的“攀达厂爆炸”又使老表蒙难、产业蒙羞。事故给地处赣中的万载乃至整个江西带来的冲击波一直在延续。无论当地官员,还是企业主,都蓦然发觉周遭人事飘零、风云变色──万载县委书记、县长不到10天即双双被免职,而国内媒体则盛传“江西要在两年内退出花炮行业”。其实,“退出”一直是江西高层多年一直存在的动议,并非万载案发才有此呼声。但“裁撤行业”一事牵一动百,众声喧哗,江西花炮业在这些年的“进退两难”之中,还是“欲了难了”,终于愈发展愈大、俨然地方经济命脉。事故频发究竟事关花炮业的“原罪”,还是政府疏于管理的过失,甚或“百密不免一疏”的无奈?“退出”是出自人道主义的情怀、“壮士断腕”的勇气,还是无能治理、因噎废食的“下策”?万载、萍乡的宫员和老板们在焦虑;省里的官员们在焦虑;30万花炮从业者在焦虑。来万载采访,记者希望能触摸到一些和花炮这个行业相牵连的老表们的思想与心跳。 The gorgeous fireworks at the APEC meeting have just been added to the fireworks in Jiangxi Province - Putin praised it as “a wonderful gift for Chinese men to the world.” The “bombing of the plant” Industry shame. The accident brought the shock waves brought by Ganzhong and even Jiangxi as a whole to continue. Regardless of local officials, or business owners, are suddenly found around the personnel changes, the situation changed color ─ ─ Wanzai county party secretary, county less than 10 days both were dismissed, while the domestic media is rumored to “quit Jiangxi fireworks industry within two years” . In fact, “withdrawing” has always been the motto of Jiangxi’s top management for many years. This is not the case of the Wan-Mai case. However, the issue of “cutting off the industry” has been greatly affected. The fireworks industry in Jiangxi Province has been “dilemma” in these years of “dilemma,” and has finally become more and more developed. It is just like the realm of local economy. Frequent accidents related to artillery fireworks “original sin”, or the government ignored the negligence of management, or even “one hundred dense sparse” helpless? Is it “exit” from the courage of a humanitarian feeling, a “heroic skill”, or an ineffectual treatment? Wanzai, Pingxiang’s palace staff and the boss are anxious; officials in the province are anxious; 300,000 fireworks practitioners are anxious. To Wanchai interview, the reporter hopes to touch some of the old and the artistes involved in this industry are thinking and heartbeat.
名之曰故事,却无丝毫的虚构。不知有多少无辜又无知的妇女,自觉死在“贞洁”这把杀人的利刀下!清代对妇女的贞洁要求已臻于极致,不仅男性方面对妇女有越来越严格的要求,即 T
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